View Full Version : 7D Magic Lantern - how to get updated?
Shawn Wright November 5th, 2009, 07:46 AM I know they have gotten the Firmware Code and I have check the wiki every other day or so. But is there any idea on how much longer it might take? Or for that matter, how long did the 5DMkII take?
I guess I am just wondering if it will like a few weeks or if it is like a few more months?
Is there a specific place to register or a twitter to follow so a person can find out the minute it is put up?
Matthew Nayman November 5th, 2009, 08:43 AM We shouldn't assume anything.. not even that Tram will ever finish Magic lantern for the 7D. He has no obligation, and if it does manage to get finished (for free, none-the-less), we should just be thankful for all his work... certainly not impatient for him to finish it...
Shawn Wright November 5th, 2009, 12:42 PM We shouldn't assume anything.. not even that Tram will ever finish Magic lantern for the 7D. He has no obligation, and if it does manage to get finished (for free, none-the-less), we should just be thankful for all his work... certainly not impatient for him to finish it...
You are assuming I am impatient or that I am not thankful.
I am not being impatient and I do truly appreciate his work. And I am not assuming anything other than what he has put up on the Wiki site. You did not answer my main question which is as follows:
Is there a way to be updated if and when he does complete it? Or does someone on here have a direct contact with him regularly who would then be able to let us all know?
Matthew Nayman November 5th, 2009, 02:47 PM I was not implying you are impatient in my post, simply that Tram is not being paid for this project, and I think it's improper to start making guesses about deadlines and putting pressure on him to finish.
That's all.... :)
Jenn Kramer November 5th, 2009, 04:11 PM If and when Magic Lantern for the 7D is released, we'll definitely tweet about it and you can be sure that if you follow blogs or DV news in general, you'll hear about it. (DVinfo) on Twitter (
Chris Barcellos November 5th, 2009, 05:32 PM From what I have been following, 7D Magic Lantern is still off in the future a bit. Reading between the lines of various technical post I have seen, there is still an issue with getting into the camera like he was able to do eventually with the 5D. Remember it wasn't untill about 6 months after the 5D that he had an usable Magic Lantern running for the 5D. There appears to be more encryption issues in the 7D.
Jon Fairhurst November 5th, 2009, 06:09 PM In short, it's tough to schedule a breakthrough.
Shawn Wright November 5th, 2009, 06:51 PM Great. That is what I need, just some info on how long the 5D took, if it is going well or going at all, and the best way for a update.
There is no "pressure" here, just questions.
Thanks for some answers.
Bill Pryor November 5th, 2009, 09:21 PM In a rational world, Canon would pay him.