View Full Version : I just opened a new project up and have PHD Presets in CS4

Jerry Porter
November 4th, 2009, 10:37 AM
I just did a new install to cure some problems that the system was having and I opened a new project and there they were the long missed Cineform presets!!

David Dwyer
November 4th, 2009, 12:00 PM
There isnt any yet?

Jerry Porter
November 4th, 2009, 12:11 PM
I'm looking at it right now. There is a Cineform drop down box in the new sequence presets. It has over 20 choices.

David Dwyer
November 4th, 2009, 12:23 PM
How? Have you got a beta PHD?

Prospect HD/4K v4 Real-Time Engine for CS4 – Status Update
Posted by David Taylor on September 8th, 2009

The CineForm RT engine for CS4 is well behind our originally-anticipated schedule. We want to use this blog post to give you an update.

Why The Delay? The primary cause for the delay is that Adobe changed many things in CS4 which caused us to have to rewrite major pieces of the engine. We have made quite a bit of progress, and you are soon to begin seeing new features roll out as we release the engine incrementally.

So What Have We Been Doing? Our first focus was to complete the importer and exporter, which, as their names imply, are the major software components by which formats are imported into or exported out of CS4. These components are in good shape now and have been shipping for quite a while so we have turned our focus to the RT engine.

Real-Time Engine Rollout: Beginning within the next 2-3 weeks you will see us rolling out new versions of Prospect HD/4K that incrementally add features, each a few weeks apart. Expect to see the Prospect RT engine rollout with the feature additions mentioned below. Dates are estimates and may change.

o CineForm project presets (Sep 18). This eliminates use of the desktop mode and also eliminates the need to use MPEG as a render-to format for previews.

o CineForm (Real Time) Play Module first release (Oct 23). This is the underpinning of the RT engine. The first release will not support HD-SDI monitoring

o Full RT engine with HD-SDI support (Nov 6)

As a reminder, all of the new features within Prospect HD/4K v4, including First Light plus new format conversion options, are compatible with CS3. And the CineForm RT engine for CS3 remains in Prospect HD/4K v4.

We know the lengthy time it has taken us to get the RT engine for CS4 in a form ready-to-ship has been trying for many of our customers, and actually – it has been trying for us too. But we’re starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel – bear with us for a little bit longer….

Jerry Porter
November 4th, 2009, 12:33 PM
I don't think it's a Beta, but I did get a fresh update yesterday to reinstall on the machine after the Matrox fiasco.

David Dwyer
November 4th, 2009, 12:56 PM
hmm can anyone from Cineform confirm the CS4 engine is finished?

Marty Baggen
November 4th, 2009, 01:03 PM

read your own earlier post.... presets have been available for while.

Presets and Real-Time Engine are separate programming issues for Cineform.

David Dwyer
November 4th, 2009, 01:06 PM

read your own earlier post.... presets have been available for while.

Presets and Real-Time Engine are separate programming issues for Cineform.

Ah I see, I have just upgraded to NHD and probably will move to PHD when the RT engine is sorted out.

Paul R Johnson
November 4th, 2009, 01:20 PM
I don't suppose the AVCHD ones have turned up too, have they?

Dan Herrmann
November 4th, 2009, 05:29 PM
instead of creating our own presets the boys have placed the cineform presets you have become accustom to in CS4.
all the ones you have come to expect are there.

We are on the dates that they have promised the RTE. 1 year since I have upgraded and have not used CS4 premiere.

I wondor how long Cineform will run with their 4 level upgrade. the reason i am here is all the upgrades i received as an aspect customer. I would hope that once we have the RTE running and Adobe goes to Cs5 we will not be asked to upgrade.

There is a need for Cineform even as people move away from HDV. the heavy compression used in all the variations of mpeg4 makes using a solid intermediate a good choice.

everyone tells me how lucky i am to have first light. there is nothing I can do with first light that I do not all ready have in my toolbox and am already familiar with how to make it do what I want, colorista, looks, etc...

first light with a series of detailed presets would be nice burt the choice is few and the interface is confusing in how the sliders interact

Dan Herrmann
November 6th, 2009, 05:24 PM
I was playing with first light and after checking on the Cineform site I found the looks package.
This is a fabulous feature I did not know existed.

I am huge on Red Giant Looks and this package has many of the looks I strive to achieve/

So now I understand some the buzz about first light

Jerry Porter
November 8th, 2009, 01:20 PM
Hey Dan can you please post the link to the Looks Package? I can't seem to find it. Thanks

David Newman
November 8th, 2009, 01:40 PM
When you request a trial or an upgrade, the link is in that email.

That how I just got it.

Read you emails :

NEW - CineForm Looks Package: If you have not downloaded your package of 34 CineForm Looks (64x64x64 color LUTs), you can do so here: After you download and unzip, run the installer and it will install 34 Looks of various characteristics that will be immediately available in First Light for your use. The manual for using First Light is installed with Neo 4K.

So how do you create your own 3D LUTs? Currently the best way is to use Iridas' Speedgrade On Set. You can download a fully-functional 30-day Trial here: IRIDAS SpeedGrade OnSet (