View Full Version : Homage to Philip Bloom (or why it's the artist, not the camera)

Brian Boyko
November 3rd, 2009, 11:35 AM
Hey. I decided to do an homage to Philip Bloom's "city people" series, and went out this Halloween to do my own little "Austin's People."

The first thing you will notice is that it's not as good as Philip Bloom's stuff. This is deliberate. I'm never going to get any better unless I try to push myself to go beyond what I'm currently capable of doing. So you're going to see graininess, bad camera angles, etc.

Some things I learned on this video:

There is a HUGE difference between 35mm f1.4L (what Philip Bloom uses) and 50mm f1.8. Like, a "double your ISO rating" difference. Also, in a massive crowd, sometimes you have to switch to the 17mm end of your 17mm-55mm f3.5-5.6 EF-S kit lens.

I had a shoulder-mount (Spiderbrace) but did not have a viewfinder. I had to throw away alot of out-of-focus shots because of that. I've since ordered a Sockloupe, as I wear glasses and I can't afford a Z-finder anyway.

People often behaved as though they were being still photographed, even though I was filming shoulder-mounted.

Finally, I shot using the "Superflat" custom style and tried to fix the levels in post. I'm not sure it worked out the way I expected it to, though I didn't compare it to shooting in standard style.

Anyway, here it is. Hope you at least enjoy it.

Austin's People - Halloween 2009 - Homage to Philip Bloom on Vimeo