John Seddon
November 3rd, 2009, 03:12 AM
Hi, this is my first post so please be gentle. I am looking at the possibility of getting into the events videography business. The only experience I have has been gained by filming and editing a couple of friends weddings with my JVC GZ-HD7 camera. I'd like to learn more before splashing out on expensive kit and possibly even quitting my day job to do this full time so would appreciate any advice or help anyone can offer me.
I was thinking I could offer my services free to a professional wedding videographer who may need an additional camera operator or simply an extra pair of hands on the day itself. I do work full time currently so this would have to be at weekend when I am pretty much completely flexible on time and travel. This way they would benefit by gaining some free support and I would gain some valuable knowledge at the sharp end so to speak. I am based in the North West of England (UK) but would be willing to travel (within reason). I am smart, a quick learner and punctual, if anyone is interested in giving me an opportunity to learn the trade and get some free help along the way then please reply to this thread and I'll happily contact you.
Blake Cavett
November 3rd, 2009, 02:44 PM
Hi John.
1) Invest 40 bucks and buy Ron & Tasra Dawson's book: REFOCUS.
I'd call it the wedding videographer's bible and wish I had had it 4 years ago.
Danny O'Neill
November 4th, 2009, 09:42 AM
Freebies are the way to go. You may have some trouble finding people willing to take you on as an assistant, even free as your ultimate goal is to create your own business but there is nothing stopping you from starting your own business and doing weddings for free. Thats how we started and as of last Monday I now do this fulltime.
also whats stopping you from splashing out on new kit? Buy the cameras first and work up from that. Dont get too much new stuff in one go or you will be drowining in things to master.
Bill Vincent
November 4th, 2009, 09:52 AM
I second Blake's idea - invest $40 in Ron and Tasra Dawson's book. It is exactly what you are looking for as far as info goes.
Philip Howells
November 5th, 2009, 02:14 AM
I'm not personally familiar with this book but I wonder if it's very USA-specific. Typical weddings in the UK where John is are often very different in structure. Of course, if it's general advice it would still apply wherever the reader worked.
Making the lurch from part-time to full-time is a big step so I offer Danny my very best wishes. However I'd advise investing in gear at the same standard; there's little point in having a great camera if the legs are wobbly and the head's rough.
Matthew Hampton
November 5th, 2009, 05:56 PM
Also, be prepared to put in a lot of research hours, practice, and have don't forget to have plenty of patience. It has taken most of us, me especially, a very long time to get to where we are. We have been doing event videography for 3 years and are just now getting closer to being able to have 1 of us go full-time.
On the equipment side. Be prepared to make a generous investment in gear to have something to start with. Get a good wireless microphone, some audio recorders, a couple of good pro or pro-sumer cameras, some good tripods, and then go from there. Don't be afraid to buy used equipment as you can save significant start-up cost.
Good luck.
SiuChung Leung
November 5th, 2009, 06:04 PM
Actually, there is a good point to keep your day job while doing event videography return.
In the starting year of videography business, most of them made accounting loss because the huge amount of depreciation on equipment. If you keep you day job, you may able to use the loss form the video business to off set some of your tax liabilities. you may like to talk to you accountant about that!
Aaron Mayberry
November 6th, 2009, 10:40 PM
Refocus is a terrific book. If you're truly interested in starting a videography business, you'll read that book and many others :D
Shaun Roemich
November 6th, 2009, 11:14 PM
Not sure how tax law in the UK or NZ works but further to what SiuChung says, you may also have "carry forward" tax breaks if your capital asset investments and expenses outweigh what you can write off in a single year. Massaging the books to place income and expenses in the best possible light makes a good accountant WELL worth what you'll pay. And when I say "massaging", I don't imply anything illegal or immoral; the tax "game" is about what you can move to where ever it saves you the most cash. In my case, my accountant moved some revenue and expenses around to minimize my back tax penalties - not something your corner shop $40 tax preparation firm is likely to do for you.