View Full Version : Samsung P2500 won't play dual layer DVD

Philip Howells
October 31st, 2009, 01:15 AM
My question is whether anyone else has encountered this problem and if there is a solution.

I have recently produced a dual layer programme and tested it on our Samsung P2500 Blu-ray player. This player has never failed to play correctly any single layer Blu-ray, any single layer DVD we've produced or any commercial DVD amongst which I'm sure are some dual layer disks.

What happens with this disk is that after the programme has passed the layer change point, it fails to play beyond the next chapter point. By returning to the disk menu I can select chapters within the second layer and the machine plays them correctly - except that at the end of the chapter it returns to the head of that chapter and starts to play it again.

Each chapter beyond the layer change can be selected and played but at the end of the chapter it repeats.

The disk plays perfectly on all the other DVD players we have, mainly bog-standard economy models.

I've downloaded the latest firmware for the Samsung (though I believe I have it on the machine already) but Nero 8 burns the unzipped ISO file into an unrecognised RUF file.

Any help or practical suggestions would be welcome. I am hoping to play the disk on a pal's Blu-ray Sony later in the week.

Tripp Woelfel
October 31st, 2009, 06:09 AM
What did you use to author the disk? I ask because I used Nero 9 to throw together a disk and my Samsung BD player (don't remember the model but it's a low end unit) went all wonky over the menus abandoned the play order in favor of its own desires. The disk will play fine in other SD DVD players so I view it as a peculiarity to the Samsung.

Of the several score of disks authored in Encore, nary a problem has surfaced for the Samsung.

I don't know why Samsung have these problems, but I have heard of infrequent incidents like this.

Philip Howells
October 31st, 2009, 09:04 AM
DVD Studio Lab - as I have for years without any previous problem.

Tripp Woelfel
November 2nd, 2009, 07:54 AM
I don't know that product so I cannot comment on it. However, I just viewed another Nero authored disk on my Samsung and the same problem surfaced. Both of them have motion menus that result in erratic menu navigation.

Our problems are not the same, but could be related. My hunch is that either Samsung don't fully conform with DVD standards or that the authoring applications don't. In my situation, I suspect the application is at fault because the problem is now repeatable with Nero but does not happen with disks using motion menus authored in Encore.

If you have access to another authoring tool, you might try authoring your disk in that then see if the problem still exists.