View Full Version : Storing superfluous data files on a DVD

David Ennis
June 23rd, 2005, 12:37 PM
It would be nice to store a few data files in the audio or video folders on a DVD. Things like still captures from the video, or label files created in a labeling program.

I have no problem getting them written to the DVD. Doing it without screwing up the playability of the DVD is the problem. Does anyone know of a file extension that the DVD system will accept?

Adam Kampia
June 23rd, 2005, 09:00 PM

Good question. Maybe you could pioneer this one. While some authoring apps like Encore allow for this very thing under the umbrella of additional "DVD Rom" content, I haven't really dug in to what file extensions are/are not ok. I think its just another folder seperate from the Video_TS and Audio_TS, and could therefore probably hold anything. Maybe an experiment is in order...

David Ennis
June 30th, 2005, 11:13 AM
Well I did some experimentation and found that I could disguise a file as a VTS_xx_0.IFO Where xx is a two digit number not used by the real DVD files. My DVD burning software (Nero Express) demanded that I create an identical file VTS_xx_0.BUP. With two copies of the file in those respective disguises I was able to burn and play the DVD.

Nothing else I tried would work.

Michael Westphal
June 30th, 2005, 08:13 PM

An Extra Folder at the root level is ignored if it not named VIDEO_TS or AUDIO_TS. I usually name mine DVD-ROM or EXTRA although I'm told that any name should work.

I use DVDSP and not Nero Express, but there should be a way to specify a data folder in NE.

Kyle Ringin
June 30th, 2005, 11:52 PM
I think DVD Architect 3 can create a folder called extras where you can store any type of file. I haven't used it yet though. Has anyone?

Benjamin Durin
July 1st, 2005, 02:01 AM
Michael is right, you can add any folders to your DVD.
For Fred, it would be "Stills" or "Labels". Just create a folder in the root of your DVD in Nero and add the files you want. No need to rename them.