Kevin Lewis
October 29th, 2009, 12:09 PM
For those that frequently set the XHA1 to a shutter speed of 30 (shooting 60I) because of low light enviroments, have you noticed any problems such as trails? I have an event to film which will have low lighting. I want to keep the shutter at 30 for the extra light. I posted a similar thread in the past and someone said that trailing may be an issuie. I dont have much time to experiment before the event, and I just wanted to get some thoughts from others. I just want to make sure that when I go to edit, that I dont get some unexpected result. The event is a wedding.
Matthew Amirkhani
October 29th, 2009, 12:38 PM
Hi Kevin,
I always set my shutter speed at 30 when I film for interviews at night The reason is that I don't move the camera, however you will see some trailing if you pan.
Kevin Lewis
October 29th, 2009, 12:49 PM
Thats what I was told before, but I have yet to see trails. I'm wondering if the lcd is not showing the trails but they will be there when I edit. Do you notice the trailing live in the lcd screen or only when you edit?
Allan Black
October 29th, 2009, 04:12 PM
Hi Kevin, try Randy's low light preset PFVISION it's very good. Take care putting the numbers in, don't go below 60 speed.
Matthew Amirkhani
October 30th, 2009, 12:57 PM
Hi Kevin,
I do see them in the LCD as I am filming.
Kevin Lewis
October 30th, 2009, 01:35 PM
I have experimenteed with this over the last few days but could not duplicate a ghosting problem wehn filming 60I and the shutter at 30. I have an event next week and I will need as much light as possible. I torn between using the 30 or not.
Matthew Amirkhani
October 30th, 2009, 05:21 PM
Hi Kevin,
I also do some filming in the low light specially for school playes and concerts.
For those occasions I always use the PFVISION preset, set the Gain to either 3 or 6 and open my Iris all the way. To be honest with you wihen I have to pan the camera I set the shutter speed to 60 so I don't get any ghostings.
In post I do the color corrections and exposure and the rest.
Hope it helps you.