Randy Sanchez
October 29th, 2009, 08:01 AM
Hi All
IM interested to know how i could achieve this effect in After Effects.. I know how to get the slow movement happening (thats easy).. But id like to know how to get the random flicker vibe and also the random zoom out at the end..
Im thinking maybe it has something to do with the wiggler function ? I tried the wiggler on the opacity and it didnt work ?
WOuld appreciate any help.
Gregory Gesch
October 29th, 2009, 05:31 PM
Hi Randy. Your YouTube link is only taking me to the sign in page (?) but off the top of my head you might want to look at Effects&Presets/Strobe and add a wiggle expression to that?
Randy Sanchez
October 29th, 2009, 08:21 PM
it might work now.. i selected viewable by only 25 people thinking it would allow the first 25 but thats probably the reason it didnt work..
when you say wiggle expression is that different to the wiggler ? I had a play around last night and i got some things which look close but its not the same..
Gregory Gesch
October 30th, 2009, 06:56 PM
Hi Randy, yes it's working now. Sorry about the confusion, a wiggle expression is a piece of 'code' that you actually write in - the wiggler is an automated version which writes the wiggle expression for you. However I suspect the video example is much simpler - the flicker appears regular so I would try the Strobe Light Effect (set Duration to 0.05 and Period to 0.10 as a starting point and set "Strobe" to Makes Layer Transparent) for the first half second or so, then keyframe 'Blend with Original' from 0% at that half second mark then 100% one frame later so the text stops flickering - then reverse that when you want it to zoom out. The zoom at the end is again, I think, just the text being quickly scaled up with the Strobe Effect going - so it looks like it is jumping towards you - then the opacity is dropped from 100 at the beginning of the zoom to 0 as it nears the frame. I could be wrong but hope that helps?
Blake Raidal
November 4th, 2009, 04:59 AM
I reckon the presets are a good place to start (Animation > browse presets > text)
the lights and optical presets are good and you can play around with the settings after as well.