View Full Version : Guys Check This Out !: A Real MXF to QT Converter

Mark Job
October 27th, 2009, 09:57 AM
Hi Friends:
I think this had to come sooner or later, and I'm happy to learn it has come sooner. This is a real MXF to QT converter ! OpenCube Technologies: XFConverter (
I think this will come as useful for our workflow with the XDR. I assume it will work with the Nano as well.

Daniel Symmes
October 27th, 2009, 10:14 AM
Now, if only they could reveal cost and a method to buy!

Mark Job
October 27th, 2009, 10:25 AM
Hi Daniel:
I'm trying to work that out right now myself.

Alister Chapman
October 27th, 2009, 10:26 AM
The Calibrated-Q MXF import plugin for the Mac allows you to work with the native MXF files so no need to convert and the pricing is clear and simple. Calibrated{Q} MXF Import for OSX (

Daniel Symmes
October 27th, 2009, 10:38 AM
Hi Daniel:
I'm trying to work that out right now myself.

I sent a note as well.

Always good to have options.

Dan Keaton
October 27th, 2009, 11:39 AM
Dear Friends,

In a few weeks, or less, our MXF files will be compatible with Sony's Optical Disk format.

Then, you can use Sony's FCP Plug-In, free, and use our MXF files in Final Cut Pro.

Mark Job
October 27th, 2009, 01:57 PM
The Calibrated-Q MXF import plugin for the Mac allows you to work with the native MXF files so no need to convert and the pricing is clear and simple. Calibrated{Q} MXF Import for OSX ( Alister. We don't always have the freedom to work in FCP.

Mark Job
October 27th, 2009, 02:04 PM
Dear Friends,

In a few weeks, or less, our MXF files will be compatible with Sony's Optical Disk format.

Then, you can use Sony's FCP Plug-In, free, and use our MXF files in Final Cut Pro....Hi Dan: Sometimes we need to unwrap from MXF to the extant codec contained inside so we can dump a QT or AVI file into our web encoder on the PC side. We can also create a project and do a video mix down in Avid MC then export as a QT Ref file into Sorensen Squeeze and encode this way, but this workflow takes up too much time and valuable disc space in our post workflow.

Daniel Symmes
October 27th, 2009, 02:14 PM
Like I said: choices.

For us poor outsiders choosing not to go FCP costs us in different ways.

There is yet to be a good solution for pro editing on the PC (using SDI monitoring).

Barry J. Weckesser
October 27th, 2009, 07:40 PM
"There is yet to be a good solution for pro editing on the PC (using SDI monitoring). "

Perhaps Grass Valley Edius doesn't have the name that some of the other NLE's have but it certainly is a good program - and has this: HDSPARK Pro (
and this : HDTHUNDER (

Daniel Symmes
October 27th, 2009, 08:00 PM
I have EDIUS (software) JUST because ONE client has it and is STILL tearing his hair out.

We are a nation of choice, which I favor, but that also introduces the concept of a playing field that isn't level.

I have a 2K AJA system, working under Adobe products and Fusion. Great with pro formats. But throw in the still-evolving compression codecs and one waits for the next major release of software to catch up.

I've been working nearly exclusively with QuickTime (or DPX sequences) for over 10 years and that's fine.

Sadly, it doesn't work in this situation.

It just might turn out that I'll simply play out from the nanoFLASH and capture in a working version of QT. Then we can get back to film making.

Lastly, it strikes me as backward that I'm supposed to adapt to my hardware/software.

Daniel Symmes
October 28th, 2009, 09:32 AM
Mark, I have STARTLING news about your find.

They replied to my price request:


XFConverter has been designed to run on a server to unwrap/rewrap files such as MXF, QT, AVI or GXF automatically thanks to an efficient watch folder process.

Prices start at 1 990,00 US Dollars and goes up to 4 590,00 US Dollars. It’s not the kind of product we would sell on a web store.


I suggest it's something they don't sell!

Mark Job
October 29th, 2009, 08:02 AM
Hi Daniel:
Yup. These folks in France responded to me too, and the price quote made me laugh for about 20 minutes :-) They also sent me a free 30 day trial, so I'm installing it today and testing it out. I want to see what a "1 990,00 US Dollars and goes up to 4 590,00 US Dollars" looks like and operates like ;-) _Sort of a morbid curiosity at this point. Of course, people in Europe do *not* have a *consumer mentality,* where *price is King.* The folks in Europe have a *Quality mentality,* where they demand absolute quality and are willing to pay for it.

Daniel Symmes
October 29th, 2009, 09:39 AM
I would say, mentality aside, that very few programs are worth $2K let alone more, when free (or comparatively so) are available or on the way.

Let us know your observations. Humor is a GOOD thing.

Perrone Ford
October 29th, 2009, 10:20 AM
Of course, people in Europe do *not* have a *consumer mentality,* where *price is King.* The folks in Europe have a *Quality mentality,* where they demand absolute quality and are willing to pay for it.

Then Explain Renault to me...

Mark Job
October 29th, 2009, 01:14 PM
Hi Perrone:
The Renault over here in North America or the Renault over there in Europe ? Are we talking Citroyen or the other one ?

Perrone Ford
October 29th, 2009, 01:32 PM
I didn't realize there was a Renault in N.A., but I forgot about French Canada. There is no Renault in the US, and their efforts here were politely characterized as ... not quality oriented. :)

I am aware that they have improved.

Mark Job
October 29th, 2009, 07:42 PM
Hi Perrone:
Renault in France and the rest of Europe is a quality car. Renault totally blew it in North America, but they also went up against the once powerful big three back in the day, so that had a lot to do with it. Did you know that many GM cars were built in Ste.Therese, Quebec, North of Montreal ( The Corvette for years)and in Oshawa, Ontario (Most GM Vans and a pickup) ? I've noticed US companies really try hard to hide these kind of facts when their products are not made in the US from other Americans.

I went into our new HUGE Wal-Mart store locally here in Vaudreuil. Quebec, and there was freakin *Nothing* in that store which was made anywhere in North America ! Man ! This seems unatural to me. When I was a kid, most stuff you bought in a hardware or department store was made in the US or Canada- Now nothing is ! At least Convergent Design makes all their products locally and employs local people - that's a good thing, and probably one more reason why their XDR and Nano have such a high build quality. Sorry - I digress.

Mark Job
October 30th, 2009, 09:11 AM
Hi friends:
I tested out the Ultra Expensive software and it works perfectly, but it isn't a realistic solution due to the price tag. You could purchase a nice Convergent Design Nano Flash recorder for the price of this utility.

Conclusion: Not worth it to me. Too expensive for what it does.