View Full Version : equipment interaction?

Robert Bobson
October 23rd, 2009, 04:44 PM
I have an external eSATA hard drive that works fine with PPro CS4. But when I tried to add a second eSATA drive, I'm not able to "capture" video thru my firewire connected DV camera - can't even open the capture window - the program locks up.

the two hard drives work fine together - and I can edit on PPro - just can't connect the camera or open capture without it all locking up.

any tips?

Tripp Woelfel
October 23rd, 2009, 06:41 PM
Seems odd, but it might be that the second eSATA drive and the 1394 port share the same logical address so they both cannot be active at the same time. If you have a 1394 drive, try mounting it to your system with both the eSATA drives online. If it comes up, my idea is not the problem. If it doesn't, you should look down this road. Never being very good with jiggering logical port assignments, I've gone as far as I can on this one.