View Full Version : gh1 vs hdv?

Rob Katz
October 22nd, 2009, 03:06 PM
gh1 vs hdv?

i've been sitting on the sidelines reading the various thoughts about the gh1.

i do lots of talking heads, usually in a studio sometimes at an indoor location, rarely outdoors.

i'm interested in the gh1 for the possibilities of a small unobtrusive camera, a shallow dof using various primes and with those primes a f4-ish resulting in a simple light kit.

i'm willing to do double system for my sound needs. (something like a 4 channel recorder: chan1-boom/ chan2-lav for interviewee + chan3-lav for interviewer + chan4-as knockdown levels to insure against clipping)

this set-up would be used as either a one person band, or me and a pa.

i have used something like this set-up with various cameras:
1/2" 3chip sd eng jvc dv500,
2/3" 3chip sd eng sony dsr500/570,
1/3" 3chip sd pannie dvx100,
1/3" 3chip hdv sony 1zu,
1/2" 3chip hd pannie hpx500.

of all these cameras, i'm imagining the gh1 shooting in 720p30 would look most like the sony hdv.

would any gh1 user agree?

if not, could u possibly compare the 720p from the gh1 to any of the above listed cameras?

i still deliver to most clients a sd dvd 16x9.

thanks in advance for any info u care to share.

be well
