View Full Version : Flatten your 7D

Ray Bell
October 21st, 2009, 07:59 AM
For those looking for a style preset for flattening the 7D... here's a pretty nice one thanks
to Martin Beek over at Marvelsfilm....

You can read about it and download the two presets at Canon 7D Picture Style with Cine-gamma (S) Curve – free download ( down around the middle of the Page),

He has indicated it was to match the Sony EX1 cine..

and it gives you a chance to play with the EOS utility... I think you'll like both...

Marvelsfilm’s Blog (

Paul Cascio
October 21st, 2009, 11:03 AM
Ray, when you say "flatten", do you mean reduce contrast?

Ray Bell
October 21st, 2009, 11:35 AM
Now that you ask, I opened one up in the Picture Style Editor to examine the mechanics of

There is a slight "S" curve adjustment, the sharpness is set for 3 or 1 (there are two different styles to download), the saturation has been brought down and the contrast too...

They show some example footage, seems to pull the crushed blacks out and preserve the
highlights. If you put it on your camera you can cycle through the different styles while
in live view and see the differences pretty easy on the cameras LCD... and of course you
can fine tune the style to your liking...

I posted a " Flatten your 5D " a while back in that forum, using different style adjustments
for that camera..

*I should mention* The primary purpose for flattening the footage from either the 7D or 5D is
so you can neutralize the footage... this gives you much better results when or if you decide
to color grade the footage. This way you could adjust the color saturation on Reds, or pull the blacks down, or push the highlights.... lots and lots of choices working with footage
that doesn't start out biased to begin with.... its sorta like creating a quasi RAW footage just
waiting for you to mold it the way you want it look.....

Benjamin Eckstein
October 21st, 2009, 12:36 PM
This looks great. Will definitely give it a try. I still felt that I was getting pretty contrasty images with the contrast dialed down in camera, so this will probably help.

Unfortunately through reading this stuff, was enlightened on vertical banding and lo and behold my camera has it too. The shop I bought from (glad to have bought locally) will exchange bodies and I can hope the new one is better. I sort of thought the banding was just a codec issue, and probably would have ignored it had I not read all the stuff online. Oh well, the benefit and curse of reading stuff by pixel-peepers.

Benjamin Eckstein
October 24th, 2009, 10:56 AM
I just loaded this in and look forward to trying it. I installed the EOS software but I cannot for the life of me figure out where they adjusted those curves. Not that I need to necessarily but I am curious where/how it's done, because they did more than just adjusting those numbers that you can do in camera, right?

Also, do you recommend still using HTP with this style on?

Thanks for the work on this.


Ray Bell
October 25th, 2009, 12:03 PM
Benjamin... you can't use EOS software to create custom styles... you need to use
the picture style editor software.

I would not use HTP with this style, They also just put up a third style, I guess they fine
tuned the setup some more... just in case you want to get the third one too...

Here is a Canon site to help you along... you can download the software at the bottom of
the page... might want to look at some of the different styles that Canon has for you to download too...

Canon Professional Network - Picture Style (