View Full Version : DVD Printer Recommendation Please
Bob Warner October 19th, 2009, 12:50 PM My Canon iP4300 just died. I bought it about 2-1/2 years ago and got the "F" tray and instructions (service codes) on Ebay for turning it into an "Australian" printer to re-enable the CD/DVD print function. This was easy to do and for me at least the iP4300 was a great little no-hassle CD/DVD printer. Now I need a new CD/DVD printer. I do NOT need something designed for large volume. And I don't really NEED something designed as a photo printer (e.g. Epson 1400), as I have this covered already.
Canon now has the iP4700 (I think it uses the "G" tray) and I've been searching around the net to see if there are similar instructions for re-enabling the CD/DVD print function on the U.S. models. No luck yet.
I've also heard about some of the Epson printers, but my look at various consumer reviews (admittedly, not always accurate) has me a bit worried about clogging (I might only use this once every 2-3 weeks), and ink cost.
Basically, I just want what I had - a cheap, fast, no-hassle, CD/DVD printer. And really, I don't have to have cheap and fast, but I DO want something reliable and as maintenance-free as possible.
I thought I would check with wedding pros as persons who would have real world experience with this. Appreciate any comments.
Steve Shovlar October 19th, 2009, 02:39 PM Hi Bob, I owed the ip4000 and it served well for a while. i switched to an Epson Stylus Photo pX810FW and it gives stunning, and I mean stunning DVD and CD prints. If you use Watersheild they look like a professional disk.
The ip4000 had a seperate holder for the disk. The Epson has a tray which drops down and you clip the DVD into. Works perectly.
there is a cheaper version called the PX710W, which doesn't have a built in fax.
Use a CIS ( continuous ink supply) to save a fortune on ink.
Bill Vincent October 19th, 2009, 09:34 PM Hi Bob,
I have an Epson R300 like many many others here, but I was asking the same question you are over the past month - and it seems there is no cheap, decent quality solution for occasional DVD printing that seems to beat Epson - although it has its faults, the R300 and other Epson photo printers that do DVD/CD printing are pretty much what you are hoping to find, even with the issues.
As far as I can tell, the next step is much more expensive printers that use large amounts of disks and/or ink and/or both.
On a related note I just ordered some Ink Jet printable disks from Primera that are supposed to have a nice glossy-type finish that is water resistant too. Should be interesting. If these don't live up to their description than I will probably go with the Watershield solution mentioned.
Steven Davis October 19th, 2009, 10:06 PM I go through an Epson printer about once every couple of years, and for the past 6 years, I haven't found a better solution. The one that is in the box waiting came from a Ritz camera purchase where I got the printer free. Soooooooo, unless Primera and the like want to get real with their pricing, I'll stick with the Epson.
Vince Baker October 20th, 2009, 09:22 AM I have been using the Epson r265 for two years and I have a brand new one still in the box ready for when the first dies. Really cheap to buy £65 and there are still a few around.
Otherwise the newer r series are even better if a little more expensive ( and I mean only a little)
the great thing about them is the cis (continous ink systems) you can get for them.
I got on for £30 and I still have not had to fill the ink again and I must have made 1000 DVDs and jackets! The refillink is only £7 for all 6 colours so there really is nothing that comes close to cost per disc printing.
The only problem I have is when doing 100 copies of a double DVD dance show it takes some time. I have a disc copying system but I have yet to go for a printing solution due to the cheap printing costs of the epson.
Anyone using a multiple disc printer? Interested in anyone experience with them.
Bob Warner October 20th, 2009, 12:12 PM Thanks all. Appreciate the info.
Steve, the U.S. version seems to be called the Epson Artisan 810 (C11CA52201). I think I'll give this a shot. seems to have a good solution. They also say that I should have no clogging problems, but if I do their kit comes with a "nozzle cleaner and printhead priming tool" which they say easily resolves these problems with Epson if they occur.
Mike Williams October 20th, 2009, 08:05 PM I am currently using the Epson Artisan 800
My first one had issues ( lit up like a christmas tree and refused to do anything error )
Remarkably with a quick call to Epson I had another one within days, to the USVI no less! and I sent the "bad" one back in the same box.
I love that kind of easy warranty aspect and the one I have know is perfect. The print quality is great. The loading tray is so so. I would like a more positive feel when the disk is in the correct place, other than that is is 5 of 5 stars from me.
Ron J. Wildhaber October 21st, 2009, 01:08 PM I pretty much go along with Mike on the Epson 800 Artisan. I have only had it a few weeks and have printed several disks. The dvd tray is flimsy but works OK and the quality is very good. I researched this issue quite a bit before purchasing and Epson seems to be the big vote getter but not without possible issues. For me, so far it has worked well.
Taky Cheung October 22nd, 2009, 08:35 PM I'm using Epson Artisan 50. It's a very inexpensive printer but the print out together with TY watersheild DVD works great! Also install the CISS system for continous ink. Save a lot of money.
Bill Vincent October 23rd, 2009, 06:16 AM Just FYI - I received my inkjet printable glossy DVDs from Primera - and they look unbelievable!! I absolutely LOVE the way the printed colors pop and how the discs look. Highly recommended!! DVD Duplicators, Disc Duplicator, CD Printer, DVD Duplicator, Discs Copiers, & Blu-Ray Duplication ( - and no, I'm not associated with them, just happy with what I got!
Bryan Daugherty September 24th, 2010, 03:52 PM My R220 is having print head and roller issues after 5 yrs of service and I am looking to replace it. I am currently considering the Artisan 810 or stylus 1400 printers from Epson. I noticed some are using these options and I was wondering what your experience was like with these models. I like the wireless and all-in-one features of the 810 and the larger formats available with the 1400 but the primary use will be short run disc printing. Staples currently has the 810 for 139.99 and the 1400 for 219.99. In past experiences, all-in-ones tend to do everything good but nothing great and that also has me a little reserved about the 810. I don't know if it will be a similar experience or not. Thanks.
Don Bloom September 24th, 2010, 04:27 PM I've been using the 1400 for a couple of years and frankly I am very pleased with it. My 2-R200s finally gave up the ghost and I was in the middle of a run. The only printer I could take home that day was the 1400 and while I didn't think I needed the large print ability it has paid for itself with just one job. I did a bunch of 12X18 sign boards for corporate client and when all was said and done the printer was paid for. Couldn't do that with the 200s. Anyway I really like the 1400-2 years lots and lots of DVDs and print and no problems at all.
Of course YMMV.
Steven Davis September 24th, 2010, 04:32 PM I got the Epson 280 when I bought a camera. It has some of the same random print anomolies as my 200 did. So I'm not impressed, sometimes it'll just print dirty little random lines so I have to clean it like 2 or 3 times. I'm looking to replace it when it runs out of ink.
Nigel Barker September 25th, 2010, 07:09 AM I recommend using an Epson Stylus Photo R800 as this uses pigment-based inks which are smudge resistant & don't run if they ever get wet (I know that the DVDs should never get wet but even sweaty hands can be enough to mess up the label).
Philip Howells September 25th, 2010, 09:34 PM Doesn't everybody spray seal their disks? Looks professional and costs much less that watershield (which didn't come in dual layer last time I checked).
George Kilroy September 26th, 2010, 02:47 AM Philip, the problem I found with spraying is that until you become expert at achieving smooth overall cover it can make the discs become unstable when played in some machines. as did stick on labels. I also have some reservations regarding the long term reaction the spray may have with the disc surface.
Bryan Daugherty October 30th, 2010, 01:38 AM So I decided to go with the artisan 810. So far I have found great results with JVC (formerly Taiyo-Yuden) watershield matte discs and less than stellar printing on Glossy watershields. The colors seem to blend together around the hub area. In hindsight, I probably should have gone with the Stylus Photo 1400.
Michael Simons October 30th, 2010, 08:46 AM I have the expensive Microboards G2 printer and the DVDs jam all the time. Ink doesn't last very long and it's $50 per cartridge. I don't suggest this printer.