View Full Version : Horizontal pulling

Mick Mearman
October 16th, 2009, 03:47 PM
I've just captured a tape via firewire and every now and then the verticals get pulled horizontally for a spilt second (similar in looks to when you search forward) and in other parts the audio will pop and drop out for a split second but the video is undisturbed, at first I thought it was tape drop out but if I view it in the camera again via component there's no problem at all, it was recorded in SD and at LP.
I've never had this problem before, it was a 3 camera shoot the other 2 were DVX100's the footage from them is ok. The A1 has just come back from Canon after a tape transport problem, it's also a new PC. Could it be dirt on the heads rather than tape damage so that it's dropping out at random rather than specific points?
Anyone any ideas please?

Mick Mearman
November 23rd, 2009, 07:21 PM
An update to this problem, I recaptured the problem tape with no problems. Today having recorded over the last recording in SP I viewed todays, there was no problem with that but when it got to the end it went back to the previous recording (LP) and the problem was back, mainly it seems when someone on the stage moves quickly parts of the picture seem to lag behind them in horizontal strips for a split second, but now I find if I remove the tape and put it back it plays ok, which would account for me being able to recapture it before.
Has anyone else had this problem? Could it be dirt floating around?

Allan Black
November 24th, 2009, 03:44 AM
Hi Mick. LP speed is a gimmick and only there because the other manufacturers have it, but it should be avoided and never used. The tape runs way too slow for any reliable recording because you're jamming the data on half the amount of tape that SP uses.

Taking any LP recorded tape and playing it back on another A1 will also cause grief, so if it plays Ok just once, capture it and give thanks. Cheers.