View Full Version : 5DmkII at war in Afghanistan

Dan Chung
October 14th, 2009, 03:07 AM
Thought you might like to know there is a new blog post by Danfung Dennis on his kit for shooting with the 5DmkII in Afghanstan.

Battle for Hearts and Minds Trailer on Vimeo

Photojournalist Danfung Dennis: How I cover the Afghanistan war with the 5DmkII DSLR News Shooter (


Steve Maller
October 15th, 2009, 07:13 AM
Wow. Hard core stuff!

Tony Davies-Patrick
October 15th, 2009, 02:59 PM
Powerful and compelling footage. As an ex-soldier myself, it reminds me why I finally left for civi-street after 7-years of army action. :)

It just shows what a small DSLR plus glidecam and mics can do in tight and very difficult conditions.

"...The most frustrating problem was that the camera would overheat after about 15 minutes of continuous shooting in 120 degree heat. I had no option other than to turn it off and let it cool. I did not have a spare body..." Was the single sentence that struck me.

Nicholas de Kock
October 16th, 2009, 06:54 AM

Charles W. Hull
October 17th, 2009, 05:18 PM
"The rig is very heavy and it took about two months to get my arm strong enough to shoot extended shots."

Wow, I have a Glidecam 2000 - I can't imagine how many months it would take me to do what Danfung is doing, just with the Glidecam. This is wonderful work, just what the 5DII is made for (along with a very talented journalist).

Ben Denham
October 17th, 2009, 07:11 PM
This is one case where I would almost prefer old-fashioned interlaced video or at least really deep depth of field. This feels a little to much like a Hollywood production to me, at least judging by the trailer (the music and editing only add to this impression).

On the flip side maybe as systems like the 5D become more mainstream some of these distinctions between the "look" associated with different genres (documentary, fictional narrative etc.) might start to change.