View Full Version : Removing wind noise in post

Philip Younger
October 12th, 2009, 05:40 PM
I recently shot some footage in a woodland area using a lapel mic with sponge wind protector and a second shot at the same scene using a hand held Sennheiser ME44 with deadcat. the end result is still a lot of wind noise - about equal in either shoot mode - actually, it is perhaps more accurately the rustling of leaves in the trees as well.
as wind

Whilst I don't mind some noise, afterall it is woodland, there are times when the narration is slightly overpowered by the noise, is there anything I can do in post production to reduce this background noise.

My NLE is Sony Vegas Pro 9.

Don Bloom
October 12th, 2009, 06:20 PM
I'll assume you don't have any kind of NR program, so, you need to find the freq that the noise is. I would find some of the wind without any other sound behind it, split that part of the track, you can recombine later, then goto Non-Real Time FX and try the Track EQ on that clip. I would goto the #2 tab which makes the blue dot red and pull it down to about 150 with the gain set to about -12 and the bandwidth to about 1. That's a starting point, play with it from there, and see what happens. You might want to try some combinations of #1 and #2 but I think #2 might be the one. Oh yeah, once you have what you want, save it as a preset, makes it a lot easier later.

Philip Younger
October 13th, 2009, 10:39 AM
Thanks Don, I'll give that a try

Gary Nattrass
October 13th, 2009, 12:00 PM
Roll off the bass end at around 150hz, boosting the mid and highs a little will help pull out the voices.
Have a listen to the High Force item on (

It is two G2 radio mics in a strong wind and I used the above filtereing to remove the wind noise.