View Full Version : DVC 17 Submissions

Lorinda Norton
October 12th, 2009, 10:14 AM
Congratulations to those of you who finished! This is going to be a fun round.

Now, every DVC someone complains about the way we do viewing and feedback. There’s a reason for our method. Even though most of you have sleuthed YouTube and/or Vimeo and watched them already, by serving them up a few per day we give each filmmaker his day in the sun, so to speak. Rather than having a flurry of posts and then we’re done in one day, you can really give each trailer the attention it deserves.

That said, we received fourteen entries so we’ll do four per day starting tomorrow.

Here’s the list:

Daniel Bates “Azure Sunrise”
Andris Krastins “The Dead Bridegroom Takes Away the Bride”
Craig Bellaire “Amsterdam”
Bruce Foreman “TIME Matters”
Alan Emery “Fear and Loathing on Parliament Hill”
Chris Barcellos “Begetting Violence Trailer”
Jay Kavi "Delivery"
Mitchell Stookey “BELOW”
Clint Harmon “Dawn of the Day of the Night of the Attack of the Zombies”
Jeremy Doyle “Honest Work”
Keith Heyward “It Should Have Been You”
Lorinda Norton “Guitar Man”
Jesse Steele “Tweekers A Zombie Movie”
Craig Yates "Free Association"

See you tomorrow with the first four trailers! Get out the popcorn, boys, because it’s gonna be great! Daniel, Craig and Alan, I think you are the new guys this round; remember to post a feedback thread so we can give you our thoughts when your trailer is posted.

One more thing, if you submitted a film and your name isn't on the list, shoot me an email ASAP! And to Jeremy, thanks so much for catching the one I missed! :)

Daniel Bates
October 12th, 2009, 11:24 AM
I'll most likely be in a Blackhawk somewhere when the first four are posted. If mine is one of them, I would be eternally grateful if someone would go ahead and create a thread for it in my absence - I'll post up some info when I get back to an Internet connection.

Lorinda Norton
October 12th, 2009, 11:30 AM
We can do that, or if you'd rather post it right now that would be great!

Jay Kavi
October 12th, 2009, 02:34 PM
Hey Lucinda, i didn't see my entry. I sent it Saturday night

Lorinda Norton
October 12th, 2009, 02:49 PM
Just ain't there. Send again, Jay, and I'll get you on the list.

Mugurel Dragusin
October 12th, 2009, 03:10 PM
Hey Lucinda, i didn't see my entry. I sent it Saturday night

Who is Lucinda? :) We love it as Lorinda though :D

Jay Kavi
October 12th, 2009, 03:18 PM
Oh wow, i should really look at what I type!! sorry!!!!

Resent Lorinda!

Lorinda Norton
October 12th, 2009, 03:55 PM
Thanks, Mugurel! :)

That's okay, Jay. I had a second grade teacher call me by that name all year. About the only thing she really taught me that year was to answer to any name remotely close.

Got your link and you're good to go.

Dick Mays
October 12th, 2009, 04:54 PM
I'll most likely be in a Blackhawk somewhere when the first four are posted. If mine is one of them, I would be eternally grateful if someone would go ahead and create a thread for it in my absence - I'll post up some info when I get back to an Internet connection.


While you are up there defending freedom, these DVinfo follks, (mostly liberal members of the ACLU) may be attacking your trailer. But I got your back, buddy. I'll defend your film and napalm the nay sayers. :)

Gosh, not having an entry is really bugging me. Vicariously seeking a role in the critique process. If the filmmakers don't mind, I'll probably weigh in and fire off a few rounds of critique myself even without an entry.

Jay Kavi
October 12th, 2009, 05:45 PM
LOL, Lorinda i have the same problem. its surprising that folks can butcher a simple name like Sanjay or mistake Jay for any number of other names (james, jake)

Dick, definitely weight in. THe more feedback the better in my opinion.

Craig Bellaire
October 13th, 2009, 07:13 AM
Please drop a few MOAB's for me...

I'll take the front side of Dicks Back side, before the inside becomes the outside... OK forget the last part....