View Full Version : Which preset to use in CS3

Ben Moore
October 9th, 2009, 12:44 PM
I just got Neo Scene and I'm using Premiere Pro CS3. I don't see any presets for Cineform or Neo Scene when I start Premiere. Which presets work the best with Neo Scene Files?


Mikael Bergstrom
October 9th, 2009, 02:16 PM
You should see the presets under the Cineform folder inside of Premiere, if not go from start, program, Cineform, tools and run the "Register Components".


Mikael Bergstrom
October 9th, 2009, 02:19 PM
Or you can try this:-)

1. Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Cineform
2. Double click on any of the files there with a file extension of ‘.ax’ . If you cannot see the file extensions, turn on file extension viewing in your folder options.
3. Windows will ask what program to open the file with. Choose 'Select From a List'
4. click the ‘Browse’ button
5. Browse to C:\Windows\System32 folder
6. Select regsvr32.exe
7. Click 'Open'
8. Click 'OK'
9. You should receive a message that says "DLLRegisterSever....... Succeeded"


Ben Moore
October 9th, 2009, 09:55 PM
Hi Mikael

I tried both tricks, and though they seemed to work as they should, I still do not see any presets?
Here is some more info:

PPro CS3 ver 3.2
Neo scene ver
Windows XP
Intel Dual Core 3.0Ghz
4 Gigs Ram
Asus P5Q Deluxe board
Nvidia 8800 Graphics

Any other idea?


Roger Averdahl
October 10th, 2009, 02:34 AM
AFAIK, there are no Presets included in NeoScene.

I would have created a Custom Project and set the Editing Mode to Desktop and make sure that all other settings match your source clip.

Ben Moore
October 10th, 2009, 11:27 AM
I thought only CS4 didnt have presets???
If thats the case I guess I wasted my money on this. When I import files from the 5D Mk II into CS3 I see no difference between Cineform files and the originals, both red bar on the time line and require rendering. I guess that will teach me to try before I buy. What would the purpose of this program be for someone using CS3?

David Newman
October 10th, 2009, 02:27 PM
Red lines have nothing to do with presets. CS3 always showed red when you didn't have what Adobe calls an "Edit mode" (which is an accelerator.) Only Prospect HD had than under CS3. CS4 fixed the red bar issue with a yellow bar to indicate it will play in RT, but it not is the default format -- so you don't need presets either in CS4. Red or yellow bars, the CineForm files play better and are more flexible, in and out of the Adobe tools.

Ben Moore
October 10th, 2009, 02:34 PM
Thanks David for the reply

I'm coming from an SD work flow so I'm not used to seeing the red bar when I drag a clip to the timeline, So you are saying that playback is not affected by the red bar it should still play real time? I thought I read somwhere that playback was only real time under Cineform presets.


David Newman
October 10th, 2009, 02:44 PM
Red is only a indicator for something Adobe thinks is important, nothing to do with playback performance. Under Prospect HD we don't get Red bars, but real-time means something completely different there -- 4+ stream of HD and effects, etc, but there is a reason way it is not $129 like Neo Scene. Neo Scene uses Adobe's playback engine, Prospect HD has it own. Neo Scene convenience comes form converting a difficult to use camera format into something that works nearly everywhere (and is faster.)