View Full Version : Shot a "commercial" inspired by the Valspar Paint campaign.

Arif Syed
October 9th, 2009, 11:27 AM
YouTube - View From the Window (

(Make sure HD is on, idk if it's default)

I havent touched my XH-A1 in a month, so I decided to get off my ass and do something small. I did this in about a hour so it's nothing amazing and it was shot during the late afternoon so I was losing sunlight VERY fast.

Jason Sharaba
October 12th, 2009, 09:03 AM
Nice little 'mercial. If I may make one critique, I thought that your shift rack focus on the jeep took a little to long. The human eye loses interest when both subjects are out of focus for too long. ;)

Did you use a 35mm adapter?


Arif Syed
October 13th, 2009, 03:53 PM
Definitely agree with you. I actually had that clip running 2x as fast, but I should have made it even quicker.

Nope, no 35mm adapter, just the XH-A1 itself.