View Full Version : Getting the letus...need to decide on lenses!

Brian Kadar
October 8th, 2009, 05:32 PM
So the lens on the EX1 is comparable to a 34mm to 440mm SLR lens!

If I get the Letus Extreme I will be spending a lot of money on lenses if I want to match this!

Anybody know who (canon, nikon, etc) make some good not so expensive fast primes? I've been all over B&H and I am not quite sure which lenses that are the cheapest will mount to the letus. Like for example the Letus page doesn't show Tamron as being a mount but will it still work?


Mitchell Lewis
October 8th, 2009, 07:59 PM
You should post this on the Letus forum:

Let Us Discuss Letus - The Digital Video Information Network (

There's a lot of talk about lenses there. I bought all our lenses used from KEH. KEH Camera: Used Cameras, Digital Cameras, Film Cameras, Laptop Computers and More. ( But the good one's aren't cheap. Good news is that they hold their value really well.

Jeremy Wilker
October 10th, 2009, 12:17 PM
If you want inexpensive but decent lenses, yes, KEH is a great place to go for used lenses. And consider Canon FD glass. It is cheaper than other (Nikon) glass since it cannot be used on DSLRs. But they can also not be used on DSLRs. (I'm clear on that, right?) So, if you are OK with that, the FD lenses will save you some money but you'll be limited to using them on the Letus only.