View Full Version : 7D projected / large screen

Declan Smith
October 7th, 2009, 10:14 AM
Has anyone with a 7D had it projected on a large screen? I have seen alot of videos on the net which all look impressive, but wondered what the quality / artifacts are like when projected or even displayed on large HD TV.

Bruce Foreman
October 7th, 2009, 10:04 PM
I downloaded Dan Chung's footage of the parade in BeiJing celebrating the 60th anniversary of Mao's communist China. One of the 3 cameras he used was the 7D and the whole thing looked super played on my 42" LCD using the WD TV media player.

I'll know more if I get to use mine on a project tomorrow and Friday.

Kevin Wild
October 7th, 2009, 11:21 PM
I got my 7d today and at first test, I thought the resolution was not going to hold up. We have Sony's (ex3/ex1) and the RED, so we're used to seeing high rez clips on our Apple CD. At first, on the Apple display, I wasn't sure how good the h264 codec was looking. HOWEVER, I did my first little cam test video short here:

"Backyard Boys-Brotherly Love" on Vimeo (

I actually transcoded it in Compressor to Prorez422 to edit it. Then exported it directly to the AppleTV setting.

When I played it back on our 50" Plasma, it looked AWESOME. So, it's really tough to say how well this codec will hold up without seeing it for yourself. I was VERY impressed in how good this camera is considering I took it out of the box and started playing and got pretty good pictures.

I look forward to putting some production value behind it and seeing how good it can look.

Declan Smith
October 8th, 2009, 01:44 AM
That's a great short. I didn't even register the quality as I was immersed in the story and the talent! Your boys are a credit to you. It certainly resonated everyday life between my boys. Really enjoyed that!

There were some very nice shots in there, I am very tempted to get one of these, as long as I can can find I suitable solution to sound.

Johnnie Behiri
October 8th, 2009, 11:21 PM
Me too was blown away with the quality of the footage out of the box when watching it on a 50 inch plasma.

"Vienna is not Beijing" - 4 to 7 A.M short on Vimeo (

