Larry H. Smith
October 7th, 2009, 02:03 AM
Hello, ...first post on this forum. Thanks to all who have previously contributed, I'm learning a lot from reading through the posts in this forum ;-).
I'm a video newbie, so please pardon any "Duh!" inquiries.
Intend 7D purchase, and have a question which I assume may be of interest to both still and video shooters using remote live view.
Hopefully someone who has received their 7D will be able to answer from experience, ...I have not been able to find any Canon info on this spec.
What is the image size on-screen (pixel dimensions) when using REMOTE live viewing?
I.e., what will the image itself measure in each dimension on the computer screen (actual pixels)?
I ask because Chris Breeze informs me that a "usual" size for "mid to high-end DSLRs" is 1024X680, with lower-end models somewhat smaller.
I am considering this monitor screen(via HDMI connection):
The resolution of this screen is given as 1024X600, ...thus a bit of the vertical dimension of the Live-View image will not be shown if the 7D's image is in-fact 1024X680.
On a laptop, with higher resolution, I assume the entire image will be shown.
To look at this in yesteryear terms, I want to know what size view-camera ground-glass this remote Live View image will approximate.
It's taken awhile, but the era of right-side up / right way round, no headcloth, bright view-camera use seems to have arrived.
Any hard data re. 7D Live View pixel dimensions (or ruler measurements from the screen with laptop make/model and screen resolution) would be appreciated.
Don't know if this is a factor, but primarily interested in 1080 video and raw stills.
I'm a video newbie, so please pardon any "Duh!" inquiries.
Intend 7D purchase, and have a question which I assume may be of interest to both still and video shooters using remote live view.
Hopefully someone who has received their 7D will be able to answer from experience, ...I have not been able to find any Canon info on this spec.
What is the image size on-screen (pixel dimensions) when using REMOTE live viewing?
I.e., what will the image itself measure in each dimension on the computer screen (actual pixels)?
I ask because Chris Breeze informs me that a "usual" size for "mid to high-end DSLRs" is 1024X680, with lower-end models somewhat smaller.
I am considering this monitor screen(via HDMI connection):
The resolution of this screen is given as 1024X600, ...thus a bit of the vertical dimension of the Live-View image will not be shown if the 7D's image is in-fact 1024X680.
On a laptop, with higher resolution, I assume the entire image will be shown.
To look at this in yesteryear terms, I want to know what size view-camera ground-glass this remote Live View image will approximate.
It's taken awhile, but the era of right-side up / right way round, no headcloth, bright view-camera use seems to have arrived.
Any hard data re. 7D Live View pixel dimensions (or ruler measurements from the screen with laptop make/model and screen resolution) would be appreciated.
Don't know if this is a factor, but primarily interested in 1080 video and raw stills.