David Aliperti
October 6th, 2009, 02:44 AM
hi i am recording 4 tracks in a bwf poly files, i am new on mac and logic and i am just experiencing that logic does not displayu poly files as nuendo does. so i had to open it in final cut but cant work on it as need, any suggestion?
Wayne Brissette
October 6th, 2009, 04:23 AM
You'll need to make them mono files. This is one of my peeves against a lot of the DAW software (on both Windows and Mac OS), they simply don't handle these type of files correctly. To split your file, download Fostex's free BWF Manager or Sound Device's Wave Agent.
BWF Manager Software - Broadcast, Film and Pro Audio (http://www.fostexinternational.com/docs/pro_support/pro_bwf_manager.shtml)
Wave Agent | Sound Devices, LLC (http://www.sounddevices.com/products/waveagent.htm)
This will allow you to expand the poly file into mono files for each channel. Then you can take those mono files and import them into your DAW.
Good Luck.
David Aliperti
October 6th, 2009, 05:23 AM
i wonder if editor who i am sending material will be able to handle them, he uses AVID
Jeffery Magat
October 6th, 2009, 07:20 AM
If I remember, its only the old AVID systems that need them in mono.
Zack Allen
October 6th, 2009, 09:54 PM
Or don't record in poly.
Dean Sensui
October 8th, 2009, 01:22 PM
I'm using FCS v 6.0.5 and the multi-track BWF files work just fine. What sort of difficulties are you experiencing?