View Full Version : 60i to PAL questions

Matthew Loucks
October 3rd, 2009, 09:37 AM
Hello guys, don't know if anybody will reply to this in time for my shoot tonight but I'll try. I've searched the forums to try and find some info on converting 60i footage to PAL, and had some additional questions... using GY100U, Vegas 9

My desired output footage is Mpeg2, PAL, Upper Field First

I've tried a few variations of shooting format/project settings and it appears that shooting in HDV-25P then rendering my final as MPEG2, PAL, Upper looks best, HOWEVER, my camera has been prone to dropouts while shooting in HDV modes so I am weary of trying it (and the footage is broadcast in standard anyway)

Back to my main question, would I get an acceptable, non-ghosted image if I did the following...

Shoot in 60i, capture into vegas with a PAL-Widescreen-Upper First project settings, render as a PAL-Wide-Upper Mpeg2

Shaun Roemich
October 3rd, 2009, 09:44 AM
Shoot in 60i, capture into vegas with a PAL-Widescreen-Upper First project settings, render as a PAL-Wide-Upper Mpeg2

I'm a 200u owner so if I give any false info, forgive me.

In this case, I'd probably shoot in 50i in camera. Time AND image size remapping from NTSC to PAL is more complicated than going PAL to NTSC.

Matthew Loucks
October 3rd, 2009, 09:56 AM
Thank you for the quick reply... The problem is the 100U only shoots SD-60i, there is no option for 50i

Also, since I'm here, is there any way of checking if I have the upgade (100UA)? I purchased my camera before the upgrade and did not get it updated. I recently brought it in to JVC here in Toronto (closer to Markham to be exact) but I don't think they did any updates like that (and I actually have many complaints about the service I recieved there, but that's a whole different story).

Shaun Roemich
October 3rd, 2009, 10:00 AM
Ah, thought that might be an issue. We 200 owners can set whether we want to shoot in 50 or 60...

No idea on how to check the Firmware version.

Welcome to DVI. Wish I could have helped further.

Matthew Loucks
October 3rd, 2009, 10:03 AM
Lucky!!! When I first purchased the camera (Jan 07) I was under the impression that it shot PAL without a hitch, oh how wrong I was!

Thank you for the welcome, I've actually been a creeper on here for a couple years now, but I haven't been around much recently. Took such a long hiatus that I forgot my user/pass and needed a new one!

Ian Skurrie
October 3rd, 2009, 07:19 PM
Hi Matthew,

Noticed that you said that you don't like shooting HD because of drop outs. You obviously don't get the drop outs in SD. This is very similar problem to mine which I have traced to a problem in a defective chip in the main board.
I am currently putting a case to JVC (Australia) for compensation as I believe that this is a generic fault and that there are many people who have been affected. Any further detail would be appreciated.

Ian Skurrie

Paul Pelalas
October 4th, 2009, 11:55 AM
Hey, if you have the upgrade your camera will have a black circle sticker with an "a" on it , located next to the serial # ( underside of camera behind tripod screw hole). I don't see why your camera can't shoot PAL, the hd100's can shoot pal. Go to your camera menu, select "Video Format", then select "Frame rate". You should see a choice for 50/25.

Matthew Loucks
October 5th, 2009, 01:36 AM
Ian - I totally agree that JVC should compensate in some way for this fault. I have had only a few minor problems when shooting in DV mode, but in HDV60, I have had so many drop outs over the years that I hardly, if ever, use it. I have read that the 100U-A update fixes that problem, but since JVC did NOT install the update on my camera when I recently brought it in for maintanence, I can't say for certain.

Paul - Yes, it is true that I can switch the frame rate to 50/25, both modes are HDV instead of DV and the footage is too valuable to risk drop outs. The 100U DOES NOT shoot standard def PAL.

Tim Dashwood
October 5th, 2009, 03:08 AM
Correct. The HD100U shoots NTSC in DV mode (24p and 60i) and the HD100/101E shoots PAL (25p or 50i) in DV mode. The HDV modes are identical among U and E models (both can clock at 50 or 60Hz.)

Matthew Loucks
October 5th, 2009, 04:34 AM
Thank you for the clarification Tim. Do you know if the 100U-A update fixes (or atleast helps) with the problem of dropped frames/cut up clips while shooting in HDV mode?