View Full Version : Can't play HDV audio in PPro 1.51

Ray Van Eng
June 18th, 2005, 12:32 AM
I have imported a few hundred M2T files from an JVC HD10U to an external FW drive. After changing the file extension from M2T to MPG, I was able to load and edit the HDV files in PPro 1.51. However, I can’t play the audio. Any suggestions?

David Newman
June 18th, 2005, 10:03 AM
Premiere doesn't do a very good job with MPEG data, so you either need the Main Concept plug-in or Aspect HD (if you don't need acceleration Connect HD is also an option.) Both Connect and Aspect HD would allow you to batch convert all your M2T files into Windows friendly AVIs - (works in everything from After Effects to VirtualDub.) Then your audio will work fine.

Ray Van Eng
June 18th, 2005, 07:14 PM
Thank you, David. I believe your company does very good work. I just need a couple more good reasons to hasten my purchase decision. Like, for example, does Aspect HD allow HDV export back to the camcorder so I can do a direct component out to BetaSP? This I believe would yield a very high quality SD output. Or I could do a HDCAM transfer sometime in the future using the edited Cineform HDV original.

Steve Crisdale
June 18th, 2005, 08:12 PM
I just need a couple more good reasons to hasten my purchase decision. Like, for example, does Aspect HD allow HDV export back to the camcorder so I can do a direct component out to BetaSP? This I believe would yield a very high quality SD output. Or I could do a HDCAM transfer sometime in the future using the edited Cineform HDV original.

How about being able to layer multiple clips and apply multiple effects/transitions without bringing your system to a screaming halt!! The creativity boost in that regard alone has got to be worth it!
Both AspectHD and ConnectHD can write HDV back to the camera. I've used ConnectHD for doing so with my FX-1e... and AspectHD is even more feature rich than ConnectHD.

From memory... AspectHD also has a chroma noise reduction filter that HD10 clips definitely benefit from.

David Newman
June 19th, 2005, 10:36 AM

Steve has pointed out some of the plusses and features of using Aspect HD. Your last question regarding transfer to HDCAM is something we are planning to add -- HDSDI playout from Aspect HD. We had a demo at NAB showing that work-flow -- so we do intend to solve this soon. For the higher-end customer Prospect HD captures, monitors and exports accross HD-SDI now (read about that here