View Full Version : DVX accessories compatible?

Bogdan Apetri
June 17th, 2005, 03:18 PM
I am very curious about one thing: does anyone know if the DVX100 accessories will be compatible with this camera?

I know that the batteries are. That's very good for people who already own DVX100 cameras already.

How about the lens? Still the same diameter? Will the DVX wide angle adapter fit? Anamorphic adapter (for even a "wider" format that 16:9)? Filters? Matte-box?

And (great potential if it does!), will the mini35 system for the DVX fit on this amazing camera?

Thanks. It would be interesting for the current DVX owners to know.

Barry Green
June 17th, 2005, 04:31 PM
The batteries are compatible, and the zoom controller will be compatible.

The HVX lens is physically bigger than the DVX's: it's 82mm diameter, rather than the DVX's 72mm. So no, a DVX wide-angle adapter wouldn't work on the HVX (and, truth be told, you probably wouldn't want to try... a DVX lens accessory is likely designed around standard-def specifications, and may not be able to handle resolving high-def imagery).

Screw-in filters won't work either, unless you get a step-down ring (which raises the possibility of vignetting). Any mattebox that supports 82mm mount, or rod mounting, should work between both cameras.

The mini35 will likely need a new connecting kit. The mini35 is an about $11,000 total system, of which about $1600 or so is the connecting kit for each camera. They will need to design a new connecting kit for the HVX, as the DVX connecting kit has a large physical shield for the focus ring, and that almost certainly won't fit over the HVX's larger-diameter lens barrel. But if you had a new connecting kit, the rest of your $9400 mini35 stuff will work with the HVX.