View Full Version : Manfrotto 521 PRO . .Too Good! . . .

Graham Bernard
June 16th, 2005, 01:50 AM
I just wanted to say that I'm completely convinced of the value of this superb and accurate LANC controller's PUSH focus.

Using this with my XM2 in a very busy and bustling venue, 48 hours ago, this one function - PUSH focus - has released my XM2 capabilities - capabilities that I thought I'd never have! Being honest I'd given myself a focus hassle to deal with. PUSH focus just wipes all this away! I hadn't appreciated, had NOT been offered the reasons, neither had this explained to me NOR actually SEEN the value - but now this has changed my working method.

All LANCS should come with this function - PERIOD!


Webb Pickersgill
June 16th, 2005, 02:01 AM
I assume you're using the stock lens in MF mode?

Graham Bernard
June 16th, 2005, 02:15 AM
Hi Webb!

Wide Angle . . . but it must also work on the orig lens! And yes, click on MF at start of shoot and leave it there all day. But I guess what you are asking - and this IS the crucial bit - opnce you PUSH focus and get it sharp, takes 1-2 secs, and then release, MF comes back and you are "locked-on" to that focus -totally brilliant! What is happenning it is momentarily going to AUTO focus - once relesed MF is back on. Now, if you quickly hit PUSH twice, you can - I have! - knocked out MF and then I'mon AUTO. So one can elect to utilise AUTO Focus on a whim!


Mike Cavanaugh
June 16th, 2005, 07:28 AM
I haven't fully used that function of the 521, but I have to totally agree with Graham, the 521 is the best thing since sliced bread to make your video look professional. I really enjoy mine!

David Ennis
June 16th, 2005, 04:08 PM
For a few dollars more the 523 Pro has the same features but is built into a pan bar. Works with Sony and Canon (but I still question whether Sony supports push-focus). Anyway, I love mine too!

Dale Guthormsen
June 16th, 2005, 07:34 PM
I purchased the 521 a month ago. I was out filming Grouse dancing on a grouse lek. The camera is on a shoulder mount with the lanc on the right hand handle. I have found that the focus is far easier to manage over the llllens ring!!! It is also more accurate. the zoom is fantastic and can be moved microsopicly slow!! fast is alright.
I filmed a play yesterday and I am here to tell you the lanc made the job 10 times better!!
I would highly recomend all gl2/xml users make it one of their first accessories next to a tripod.

the best always,

dale guthormsen

Ken Tanaka
June 16th, 2005, 09:25 PM
It's good to hear hands-on reports about this controller. They've been scarce.

I'm moving this thread to the Support area where we normally keep controller topics as they are most closely related to GDD's. (gravity defiance devices)

Graham Bernard
June 16th, 2005, 11:21 PM
Well, Ken, I kinda guessed, sooner than later, you were gonna do this. But, at the same time, THIS passionate XM2 user is saying in his experience with this LANC with the XM2 is just truly remarkable.

Fred - like Dale - I too was/am using the LANC on a vertical handle of a stabilizer - my DV RigPro. In this configuration the built into bar "version" wasn't an option. Oh yes Dale, it is very good! The focus and the speed of the focus is remarkable. Now try using the PUSH focus and then reframe! You gotta an option to show off your shallow DoF giving those backgounds a "mushy-look" to add to the reality of the near view. ALSO try the PULL focus or thrown focus . . . . outstanding! AND the zoom creep too!

I think I said this . . but I'll say it agaion, this device has truly liberated my humble XM2 . . . AND THE OTHER thing is that because it hasn't got a "fixed" LANC cable, the supplied "curly-cable" plugs into the LANC body, so one could feasibly unplug from the case and plugin a . . v e r y LONG LANC cable for maybe jib or HIGH outta reach camera shots.

Manfrotto have done their work on this puppy - and no mistake. For any XM2 user, this has to be a must - quite right Dale!

Best regards,

Graham "Grazie" Bernard

Sean Hansen
September 15th, 2005, 05:53 AM
I have one arriving today and after reading these posts, I can't wait to mess around with it! I should have bought one sooner rather than later. Anything to keep your hands off the camera as much as possible while shooting. But here in Canada, the prices were not in my budget at the time. Good tripod, case, and wide angle lenses were. But now a great dealer I trust has them on sale at a price I could not refuse.

Hurry up courrier dude! X-Mas is coming early lol!

Sean Hansen