View Full Version : HELP! Important Advice needed

Marco Wagner
June 15th, 2005, 07:22 PM
2pm tomorrow I have an interview that was setup by a friend of mine. The company is a "webmall" seller and seem pretty wealthy. My friend knew I was into video production and pitched them the idea of having video presentations of their product/service sent out in their mass emailings (probably as a link), streaming media, and videos on their website. They have lots of resellers too. THEY LOVED IT!

My question is. How could I go in pitching myself as needed for full time work. What should I charge to fully produce, film, edit, encode these videos. I would assume they'd be only a couple minutes a piece... I know they have the money to afford me, I just need help with the "is it worth paying this guy $800+/- a week to make our video clips etc."

They called today and where REALLY excited about this. I got to lock myself in with this cash cow and live my dream of production for a living. HELP!

I was thinking:
A series of videos
Private Labeling for resellers

Lorinda Norton
June 16th, 2005, 10:48 AM
Hi Marco,

Did you look through some threads on pricing? You might find some help there.

As for pitching yourself for a full-time job, remember to keep it about them--not you. Do they have a need for you full-time? Then simply explain how you can fill that need.

Too bad you don't have time to read the book, "Selling The Invisible." It gives you lots to think about. I haven't had the guts to apply any of it yet, which makes me the last person here who should be answering your post. But I wanted to encourage you in some way.

Be yourself, enjoy getting to know these people, and relax! Chances are, if they like you and like your work, they'll think about keeping you around.

One last word on pricing in general from the aforementioned book: "Setting your price is like setting a screw. A little resistance is a good thing." (Meaning we shouldn't set our prices too low.)

Bob Costa
June 17th, 2005, 07:34 AM
I am unclear as to whether you are looking for a staff position or a contract.

If a staff position, you gotta get it done while you are there.

If a contract, go listen, take notes, throw out some ideas, listen, get them more excited, listen, figure out what turns their crank, listen, and identify their most urgent project or problem. Tell them you will get back to them with some different approaches to a relationship. Buy yourself some time to think it thru and give them a WRITTEN proposal.

IMHO, $800 a week is not anywhere near enough if you are independent and it takes you 40 hours a week to do work for them. But it might be good for a staff gig (their equipment, benefits, studio, sick days, etc)

Marco Wagner
June 17th, 2005, 09:37 AM
So far I have negotiated a promo for them to use as a test market. If that goes well they'll be spending about $10K for a full blown 8 minute infomercial. Thanks for the help.

Bob Costa
June 17th, 2005, 01:49 PM
Congrats!!! Good luck.!! Post up the finished piece when you have it done!!!