View Full Version : Powering the Lilliput 7" TFT

Chris Fritsche
June 15th, 2005, 05:16 PM
I have looked on a few sites at this monitor, I believe am going to buy this, however a few questions:

1. I know this gives me a bigger picture, but how is the color represenation?
2. How does one power this if this is no power outlet?
3. Are the people who have bought the higher res one happy with it, is it worth it?
4. Is there anything extra that needs to be bought that is not listed?
5. Do you have any pic's of how you have mounted yours?

Chris Fritsche
June 16th, 2005, 10:32 AM
can no one help me...?????

Sonny Horsfall
June 16th, 2005, 12:18 PM
Hi Chris,

I find the colour acceptable although my eyes are not what they used to be!
I use a sealed lead acid battery (12volt) when no AC power is available. Not having seen any other monitors I can't comment onn it vs another but the resolution to me is more than acceptable for focusing and framing. You will probably want to mount it on the camera and I have seen a few ways of doing this but you will need something suitable to allow you to mount it.

If you search on here for "lilliput" there are a number of threads covering all your questions with a variety of answers that makes interesting reading.


Chris Fritsche
June 16th, 2005, 02:59 PM
The mountingis fine, I work at a tool shop and create a custom mount for anything, thanks for the input. I ordered the screen a couple of hours ago and am buyinh a battery tomorrow at lunch

John Sandel
June 16th, 2005, 10:25 PM
Chris, when you get your custom mount made, can you post pix? That would be educational.