View Full Version : intro "credits"
Steve Roffler June 14th, 2005, 08:25 PM I like to make little intro pieces for my home movies. This one was a little more involved than most.
Rob Lohman June 16th, 2005, 03:01 AM Hi Steve! I'm going to be honest with you. It is a nice effect (and I know it
costs you lots of time, I read the other thread), but I think it will get "boring"
pretty fast. It is just effect upon effect, and it takes a whopping 2 minutes
and 17 seconds as well.
Is this to go on movies you just view with your family or are these going up
on a website for others to see as well? If the latter, it is way to long. Just
compare it to the company logo's you see on the big movies, they last for
like 10's of seconds. In that light you are also using a song for which I assume
you are not paying royalties to use?
Again, it is a nice effect but I'm not sure of its use in this case. However,
that's my personal opinion, others may feel completely different!
Steve Roffler June 16th, 2005, 05:42 AM Rob,
Thanks for the feedback. Any suggestions on how to make it better? BTW, as I said, it's strictly for home video use.
Josh Allen June 16th, 2005, 12:19 PM I really like the puzzle effect. I would simply suggest speading it up. Maybe start it slow, then gradually speed up.
Barry Gribble June 16th, 2005, 01:00 PM Steve,
I really like both effects - the zoom throughs and the puzzle. Yeah, I agree you could speed it up a bit, but it is very cool. What did you use for it? Did you have to animate all the pieces separately? Or did you have a tool that did that. I looks like a lot of work. Good job.
Steve Roffler June 16th, 2005, 08:11 PM Barry, Yeh I had to animate all the pieces separately. I used Vegas 5. I just made it for fun. I make home videos of my three daughters to send to the grandparents and this will be an "opening credits".
I will try to speed it up and see what happens. Really appreciate everyone's feedback.
Mitchell Stookey June 16th, 2005, 09:47 PM I also thought your credits were very good in concept. About it being too slow - I didn't mind it when it was the picture of the girls being built because it was fun to see it all come together, that speed was perfect. However, for the first puzzle where it was coming apart, that was where I really felt it just took way too long. Tighten that up and I think you have some great opening credits. Good work, I'm sure your family and friends really enjoy the home videos
Rob Lohman June 17th, 2005, 03:19 AM If for home videos it is okay, I would still cut it down to a max of 60 seconds
though. But that me be just personal.
Good luck with it!
Steve Roffler June 20th, 2005, 08:48 PM Here's a shorter version. Still probably too long but at least it's down to about a minute.
Rob Lohman June 21st, 2005, 05:02 AM Much better! The music seems to be a bit "off" now though...
Barry Gribble June 21st, 2005, 08:38 AM Steve,
Yeah, I like that better. I think the zoom ins in the beginning are neat, but I wouldn't use so many - but I certainly leave open that the images themselves may be more meaningful to you and yours than to me. I would also enjoy it more with a single piece of music I think...
Again, great job. It looks really cool.