View Full Version : Better NLE computer: the Playstation 3

Radek Svoboda
June 14th, 2005, 03:44 AM

Sony's Ken Katagari says:

HD video-editing software is basically the same as the nonlinear editing system used in broadcasting stations. What we're trying to do on the PS3 is that level of software. Nonlinear editing systems are incredible, but if it was done on the Cell, it would be even more incredible...I surely wish this would M$ stick to XBox sold in toy stores and get out of computer business. But won't happen, unfortunately. Still hope Billy loses some sleep over this.


Rob Lohman
June 14th, 2005, 04:05 AM
I find this very amusing. No-one (in the professional world) is editing on a
Unix system. I can't believe anyone would even consider a Playstation 3 as
a serious computer.

Now this does not mean the underlying architecture (the cell concept) can't
be used in the "professional" environment. I've read that they may be
interested in producing servers/workstations based on this cell concept. Now
THAT WOULD be interesting.

Look, Windows (and its interface) & the Mac OS have worked for years. People
are accustomed to it. It's nice "they" want to make a new user interface for
running applications on a Playstation 3, but I'll wait and see what happens.

Radek: your last line is borderline flame baiting. It's okay you "hate" Windows
and Microsoft, but you don't have to proclaim it is unfortunate (in your opinion)
that Microsoft is staying in the "computer business" (actually, they are in
the software industry and only make hardware for the games industry).

Please keep such wishes / opinions to yourself. They do not add anything
to this "news".

As a matter personal interest: on what platform do you do your video editing?
With what editing software?

Radek Svoboda
June 14th, 2005, 04:43 AM
OK, I'll keep toned down. I use PC and Vegas but need get Vegas 6 for my FX1E. Radek

Rob Lohman
June 14th, 2005, 05:09 AM
Thanks! May I ask why you are using Windows if you clearly dislike it? Doesn't
this goes against your "wish" that Microsoft would stop making Windows?

Radek Svoboda
June 14th, 2005, 05:36 AM
1. That's what I learned. 2. Is cheaper. 3. I don't have to learn some new computer stuff. Radek

Boyd Ostroff
June 16th, 2005, 04:53 AM
No-one (in the professional world) is editing on a
Unix system.

Actually lots of people edit on unix systems. MacOS X = BSD unix. :-)

Radek Svoboda
June 16th, 2005, 06:59 AM
I think there may be battle in future in computer world, like VHS-Beta in video, except competition will be among 3 groups:

1. IBM, who hates M$, Lynux, Sony, with the Cell processor and special edition of PS3 their 1st supercomputer

2. Intel, who hates M$, with Apple, who hates M$ and who will make OS available to others

3. M$ with uncle Bill who has not sold me one OS that would worked right

Régine Weinberg
June 16th, 2005, 03:31 PM
Appel HAS signed with Intel, not AMD...
why they gave Steve Job most simle is'nt it ?

Windows is mainstream simply put and nothing will change it why for ?
Do leave it as it is 99 % are using Word, Exel end explorer that's all.

OS.x 10.4 that is Darwin eg Mach/BSD with userland/ a bit BSD, SCO and so on, KIT IO and AQUA that is Aplle a polished rocksolid OS and only rocksolid as the boxes are closed !!!!!!

solaris is just gone free that is fine !!

Linux is fun, just a week and 5 new distro's or live CD's are popping up.

Suse is commercial not bad, Debian is Solid, FreeBSD is no Linux but Unix and solid...Knoppix is Live CD but you can install and update to a full blown Debian.

Apt-get With debian is great as it evids the problem's with dependencies installing packages, Gennto with emerge will do the same, the rest works wit RPM and that can be tricky, very tricky

Dynebolic is great Open Mosix will build Cluster by a snap and can be made bootable it is hackerware but takes every starnge Video card via charachter based X 86 config in account funny but it works a must for musik and video freaks !!

I do have an iMac just for fun, an AMD pc winth XP have to have...Word etc an AMD tower with Linux Debian Dynebolic I do love it

a old SUN clone Pizzabox with Framemaker the best tyset soft i ever had

a SGI O2 it is just sitting there with an old but working photoshop and my A3 scanner

a SGI Octane bipro with Maya not the latest but fantastic and more as rocksolid

a SGI Origin as render node was planned as a server

ah an old laptop with Win98SE the only Windows that was stable my sun is using for gaming and me as fax machine

and a PII motherboard that is my webserver for the network with SUSE Linux

so you can see all are working friendly together Windows you can hate but you have to have it

and if the Playstation 3 cames up I will have one with the announced Linux disk !! that is a fact

OS's are not a hate they are a love affair even Windows can be wonderfull an be plenty of surprise

Me I started with Altair, the Pet, the first Apple, Commodore and never understood why Amiga was gone !!
I worked with card readers On IBM 360, Dec pdp11 on University
Cobol and Fortran and never thought that you can write your thesis on such a machine or even do something as edting video, there was no video, it was Film...S8 S16 ,35 Panavision

even S8 I do have a Nizzo is not gone yet
Me still thinking if I will work with S16 and build my own cine with a 8 M photo, million of tiff's batch compiled to avi an for sure ultra high deff !! sound crazy but the folk cine that;s sounds great to me

film you can process your own did this with S8 long ago

have fun

Living in France but not french
sorry for the strange writing but it's late and
time to sleep



Rob Lohman
June 17th, 2005, 02:48 AM
Boyd: that's true, but I still call that Mac OS X and not BSD :)

Jack Zhang
June 26th, 2005, 01:19 PM
Mac OS XI or 11 must be on the PS3, then FCP6 and Shake 5 can also be on the PS3. Imagine, on the set editing and compositing! That would be a time saver for directors and producers as they could do post-production while they shoot!

Anhar Miah
June 27th, 2005, 08:29 AM
I think that article was refering to using the cell workstation (not NLE on the PS3 itself thats just silly!) , ie using the same technology that is used in PS3.
I have already posted about this alot earlier see here:

Anhar Hussain

Radek Svoboda
June 29th, 2005, 06:48 AM
The Chip Wars, Intel, IBM, AMD, Sony:

Ken Tanaka
June 29th, 2005, 10:00 AM
While this may be interesting to some, it is off-topic here. There are many other venues for discussing computers and video game devices.