View Full Version : Still can't get video to come out right

Chris Fritsche
June 13th, 2005, 10:34 AM
I have read some of the post here and listened to your suggestions, but I am still getting my video to come out with people and objects in motion to look "rasterized" around the edges. The heads are clean and there is nothing wrong with the lens, I just seem to grasp the concept of how set my camera in varying lighting conditions. Is there a DVD tutorial anywhere that helps. I am not the reading type and would rather watch something that shows examples of before and after, can anyone help.
I have also tried taking the same video in differing setting, but they all seem to come out bad..???

Steve House
June 13th, 2005, 10:41 AM
How are you viewing the video? Are you viewing it on the computer monitor or sending it to an NTSC monitor or TV? If to an NTSC monitor, are you going direct from the camera to the TV or are you capturing it into your computer and playing it back from your editing software?

Kevin Kocak
June 13th, 2005, 10:56 AM
Can you post an example?

Chris Fritsche
June 13th, 2005, 11:01 AM
Stupid question, but where is the attachment button, I don't have a site up to provide a link. I could e-mail a small portion or some screen shots if anyone is interested. I will give my e-mail so you don't have to.

Eric A Robinson
June 13th, 2005, 01:16 PM
Hi there

I may be way of beam here but.. are we talking about video you have encoded and put onto a dvd? If this is the case then it sounds very like a problem with your mpeg2 encoder. Incorrect settiings would indeed produce problems such as the ones you described.

Some more detail would help..

Ash Greyson
June 13th, 2005, 02:28 PM
What are your settings? Shutter, frame rate (24P, 24PA, 30P, 60i), aperture, etc. Try putting the camera in the TV mode, 60i and everything else on auto (should be anyway in TV mode). Does it still look that way? Grabs will ALWAYS seem a little jaggy unless you are in 30P or a high shutter, just NTSC and interlacing...

ash =o)