George Ellis
June 9th, 2005, 07:59 PM
I have a project that is got me a little perplexed on pricing. The customer has a new outdoor consumer product (nda) that they want a 10 minute informercial to run at shows as part of their presentation at trade shows. We are having to do all of the production including writing the script, casting, shooting, editing, etc.
We will have to do some alternate locations (but can use our backyard for a couple) and I do not think we can shoot it all in a day. No studio work as the product is not a indoor thing. I will need 1-4 cast members and can use the customer here (hope they can take direction... ;) ) and I know a couple friends I would pay too.
Jeez, now I need to write 10 minutes of script and storyboards...
I am already thinking that $3k is a bargin. We have not priced it yet.
Craig Seeman
June 17th, 2005, 06:12 PM
Well you couldn't cover the cost of the Varicam or are you shooting this on miniDV?
Until you break out the actual cost of each location, number of locations, cost of "talent," cost of equipment rental or use, size of crew needed, lighting for outdoor night shooting, total number of shoot days taking into account possible bad weather, post production time, graphics, voice over, you haven't given anything for anybody to go on.
Barry Gribble
June 18th, 2005, 06:59 AM
I agree with Craig on knowing the details, but I also agree with you... $3k would be a bargain and very tough for you to make money with.
Mike Cavanaugh
June 18th, 2005, 11:55 AM
Let me throw another perspective into this.
Communication planning tool # 1 - Audience, Purpose, Message analysis:
Audience - Attendees at a show. They have a whole floor full of products and services to see and a very limited attention span. The average attendee only pauses briefly at most booths.
Purpose - Get them to stop, and want to learn more about the product - from a LIVE person who will actually engage them in conversation, answer questions and make the sale.
Message - this is the greatest thing since skunk pee. (Don't laugh you non-outdoors types!) This will ___________(make you life easier, look cool, help you find your way in the woods etc.) This is a great company with a great product - see the live dude for more info.
Without knowing what the project is, my first reaction is that 10 minutes is too long for a Trade Show Infomercial, especially for Outdoor type products.
Talk to your client and pitch the idea of a condensed video (3-4 min) for the trade show and then sell him on the idea of an instructional video for inclusion with the product and a 30 min infomercial for broadcast/cable.
You get 3 contracts, have the time to do a great job on the 3 minute tradeshow version and a happy customer.
My $.02!
Good luck.
George Ellis
June 20th, 2005, 02:02 PM
Thanks guys.
The shot will be miniDV on a VX2100.
Thanks Mike for confirming one thing I was thinking. 10 minutes is way too long! I have never had a trade show where 10 minutes would work unless you had booth babes throwing t-shirts out to the crowd. I don't think these guys have ever attended one. When I hear back from them (they were supposed to ship me a nda and engineering drawings so I could work on any animated segments...), I will work on getting the time to a reasonable amount.
I am working on an outline from the limited detail I have (I have a piece of the packaging). With all of the other stuff (drum corps season starts this week and I shoot on Thursday, Saturday, next Tuesday, and for 9 days starting on the 1st), I have run out of time for a little while. Late is late. sigh.