Bill Alvin
June 9th, 2005, 05:26 PM
I'm set to shoot my first feature later this year (woohoo!) and was going to use a HD10 with century optics anamorphic lens for a "scope" format aspect ractio. Once edited I was going to perform a 30p to 24p conversion using the Algolith AFX plugin (it works - trust me). Anyway, with the new HD100 coming out soon I'm rethinking my plans, but would still dearly love to shoot a scope format picture. Is there a lens on the market that I could use with the HD100 to create the 2.35:1 aspect ratio I need?
Kenn Christenson
June 17th, 2005, 02:59 PM
I don't know the filter size of the shipping lens, but I'd bet it's an 82mm. Unfortunately no one makes an anamorphic adapter for that lens size. I guess you could try to fit Panasonic's 72mm adapter on the lens, but that adapter is made for shooting in standard def.
I've read of someone trying an anamorphic adapter on the new Sony HDV cameras. The adapter produced soft looking images due to its inability to give the kind of resolution necessary for high def.
If you can wait until the Panasonic HVX comes out, you could shoot 2.35 letterbox and still have more resolution than the HD100 will give you (this is based on the published specs of the cameras, not on actual operation.) And you won't have to worry about the additional focus problems inherent in anamorhic adapters.
Bill Alvin
June 26th, 2005, 06:20 PM
Thanks Ken. Yeah, that's pretty much what I thought.
Just done some tests on 720x1280 animation uprezzed to 1080x1920, cropped and then transferred to 35mm scope. the results looked good enough to me. maybe I'll shoot the feature straight 16:9, taking special care with the framing and crop it if I should feel like going to scope.