View Full Version : Dead on arrival. Another one bites the dust!

Rainer Hoffmann
June 9th, 2005, 09:06 AM
Hi folks,

last week my long awaited XL2 arrived. What a disappointment when I switched it on and not even the POWER LED came on. Another case of a blown master fuse?

Anyway, today the replacement cam arrived and I'm happy again. The picture quality is superb and SD video can't get much better. After tweaking the color gain and the gamma curve a bit, the picture looked very natural on my big TV screen.

The 16x manual lens and the FU 1000 both work great (I like the edge enhancement on the EVF, you really know when your subjekt is in focus. No more guessing). On monday the matte box and follow focus should arrive...

...that reminds me, that the screenplay for my first XL2 short is still not finished. mmh.

Well, I better hurry to the "Now hear this" section because I still have not decided on a decent mic.

Rob Lohman
June 12th, 2005, 06:15 AM
I've recently read an interesting article (not online) about how shipping more
and more causes problem for high-grade electronics like computers and camera's.

The reason being that shipping a package from the factory to your home is
taking a long route and all sort of (bad) things happen to it during transit. It
is easy for a component to come loose with some serious mis-handling.

According to the article electronic/computer manufacturers should be looking
at designing more rugged devices just to survive shipping.

(this in general, not specific to Canon!)

You've bought a great camera, enjoy it!