View Full Version : Fony GL2 Prices?

Kyle Prohaska
June 8th, 2005, 02:22 PM
I an looking to buy a GL2 but am finding mixed prices. How is this so? They are all selling them brand new but the prices are way out of proportion. Ive heard of fake sites selling products with crappy inside parts but factory body casings. Im just wondering if this stuff is true and whether or not these sources are reliable.

This has many low prices:

Can anyone offer advice?

Ken Tanaka
June 8th, 2005, 03:30 PM
The best advice we can offer is not to chase the lowest price on the Net for cameras. It nearly always leads to aggravation and heartbreak, which is why we do not permit such discussions. At least one of the shops you linked is a famous fleecing operation.

Our site's sponsors (linked below) offer very competitive prices, deliver the whole camera with US warranty, and don't try to up-sell. They're the best in the business. Please consider them. At the very least check for buyer feedback on any online retailer you're considering.