Ben Bixby
June 6th, 2005, 08:07 AM
My gl2 doesnt start recording stuff until 7-10 seconds after i hit the record button. Why? and can i change this to record immediately?
Oh, and yes i searched the forums for a similar topic before i posted this.
Greg Boston
June 6th, 2005, 08:45 AM
I don't own the Gl-2 but do own the XL-1 and XL-2. One thing they both have and I assume your GL-2 has is a 10 second timer that shows up in the vf when you start recording. This is not a delay before recording starts. It is a shot timer to tell you about how long to hold a shot before moving on to something else.
If this isn't what you are referring to, then please explain. It shouldn't take that long for recording to actually start after you hit the record button if the camera is already powered up.
Jim OMalley
June 6th, 2005, 03:38 PM
Just to confirm -- the GL2 does have that same 10-second scene timer. (I use it as a kind of "pre roll" indicator to be sure that I leave plenty of head room for editing.) The camera is recording video the whole time that this timer is displayed.
Ben Bixby
June 9th, 2005, 02:10 PM
huh, alright, thanks guys, it was just when i go to play it back it seems like theres a delay. o well, i can deal with it, but thank you for responding.
Greg Boston
June 9th, 2005, 02:29 PM
There will be some delay if the camera has gone into VCR stop mode where it shuts down the tape transport to protect the heads and tape. But it should not be a full 10 seconds. Look in the upper right corner of the vf. If it says 'STOP' instead of 'PAUSE', then it has gone into vcr stop mode. This is also a configurable item on the XL1s and XL2 series. You can choose to have the camera completely power down instead of going into stop mode. But, you would know that because you would have to physically turn the camera on again in order to start recording.