Brian Alves
June 13th, 2005, 09:46 AM
I think this is a good thing--- digging deeper reveals many positives.
Speaking with Mike Curtis over at helped too:
Listen to June 12th's podcast:
Greg Harris
June 13th, 2005, 10:19 AM
do you guys think the G5 power books will be out before they put the intel chip in mac a year from now? Or will they wait a year and some until they release it?
Eric Emerick
June 13th, 2005, 12:34 PM
There is not now, nor will there ever be, a G5 Powerbook from Apple. This is one of the many reasons that Apple is leaving IBM's PPC and moving to Intel, imo. The Motorola PPC's in the PB's may have room for a speed bump, or some think a dual core type configuration.
Boyd Ostroff
June 16th, 2005, 08:05 AM
Interesting article at,15704,1072719,00.html?promoid=yahoo
"If Apple decides to open the Mac OS to others, we would be happy to offer it to our customers," Dell wrote in an email.
Peter Ferling
June 16th, 2005, 09:36 AM
Despite my experiences, of all the PC's I've worked with, Dells are solid performers in the hardware end of things. My latest Dell 650 has some quirks, and the processors run too hot. However, service and support are excellent, and I've gotton parts next day.
I can attest that much of my woes are OS and software, and all the extra hardware I've crammed into them (a side-effect of do it yourself windows. Easily cured by getting a preconfigured system). I have an old 420 and even some GX1s from the windows 95 days that still boot and run.
I think a Mac OSX would be a good fit on a Dell, and I think Dell would provide excellent qualified solutions. Such a marriage, in my opinion, would create a very stable system, on stable hardware. If Jobs were to get out of the hardware bizz, then Dell could easily take on that responsibility.
On the AMD side of things, BOXX tech seems to be the hardware winner. (Which what I'm looking into now). As the article suggests, AMD is also wanting to partner with Dell, and they currently have the fasted Processor. Hmmmm.
Boyd Ostroff
June 17th, 2005, 07:19 AM
I think the BSD folks would take exception, they think Unix came from them, hehehe.
This is an interesting article about Theo de Raadt who authored Open BSD, where he trashes Linux.
BSD guys make fun of Linux on message boards and Web sites, the gist being that BSD guys are a lot like Linux guys, except they have kissed girls