View Full Version : Videoguys DIY3 Dual Xeon workstation for HDV

Gary Bettan
June 4th, 2005, 06:46 AM
Our DIY3 project is finally complete!
“Double Trouble” was our first Dual Processor system. Unlike the previous two projects, this one was far more difficult. It was very hard finding a motherboard that all our vendors liked and that also included the latest PCI Express technology. As you will recall from our DIY2 article, PCI Express (PCIe) is the new high-speed bus that removes the bottlenecks that would happen with the old PCI/AGP bus design.

We have installed the Canopus Edius NX for HDV card in this machine for our HDV editing. We are also running Sony Vegas 6, Pinnacle Liquid Edition, Adobe Premeire Pro w/ Cineform Aspect HD and Avid Xpress Pro HD PowerPack w/ Mojo. All of the above mentioned software is running great and we are able to edit DV& HDV footage with ease, at 480i, 720p and 1080i resolutions.

I will be using this machine for my upcoming HDV editing shootout article. I’m really looking forward to working with and comparing all of the latest and greatest HDV solutions.

Click here for our DIY3 article and all the details on Double Trouble!


Kevin Shaw
June 5th, 2005, 07:44 AM
I will be using this machine for my upcoming HDV editing shootout article. I’m really looking forward to working with and comparing all of the latest and greatest HDV solutions.

Gary: can't wait to see that article! There's a serious lack of information at the moment about how various HDV options compare in terms of capture issues, editing performance, and time required to render to output options including M2T, DVHS and Windows Media HD. Hopefully you'll cover all that in detail, since no one else has bothered to do so yet.

Sean M Lee
June 5th, 2005, 11:01 AM
you put Avid in that list, but we all know that Avid doesn't do HDV yet, right? I mean, you don't know something that we all don't know do you? ; )

Liam Dempsey
June 15th, 2005, 12:35 AM
Actually, Avid does support HD

Kevin Shaw
June 15th, 2005, 11:52 AM
Avid does not currently support the HDV format, as noted at the bottom of the page. They've hinted they'll offer that sometime this summer, but I haven't heard anything definite yet.