Norman Woo
October 24th, 2002, 11:19 AM
Hi folks
I shoot exclusively in FRAME mode on my trusty ole XL1 since day one and have never looked back.
I shot some footage of a stage play over the last weekend (my left thumb had a real workout while I tried to manually compensate for the ever changing lighting conditions on the stage (Forget the Spotlight mode!!!)). My friend shot the same play using the Sony VX1000.
Anyways, I gave my tape to my friend who will use his Sony to Scan and Capture using the Matrox Medial Tool. Adobe Premiere 6.0 (P4 system) will be used to edit the footage. The question is will the FRAME mode of the footage be maintained when he later exports the timeline back to his Sony?
Here is the reason why he wanted my tape. When he saw the footage shot in "FRAME" mode versus the footage he shot on his Sony on his big home projection system, he was blown away!! I was also somewhat impressed as I've never seen any FRAME footage on a 57" Toshiba Widescreen before.
Watching his footage (both cameras were on tripods and we consider ourselves good operators) the look was typical of any "News" look where it's just too plastic. His shots were well composed, etc. Images were sharp and color was clean. But still, when you look at the footage, you knew it was shot using a "video" camera. Viewing the "FRAME" footage was a different experience. It's not video and it's not film. It's somewhere in between.
Hey if it works for you ...
I shoot exclusively in FRAME mode on my trusty ole XL1 since day one and have never looked back.
I shot some footage of a stage play over the last weekend (my left thumb had a real workout while I tried to manually compensate for the ever changing lighting conditions on the stage (Forget the Spotlight mode!!!)). My friend shot the same play using the Sony VX1000.
Anyways, I gave my tape to my friend who will use his Sony to Scan and Capture using the Matrox Medial Tool. Adobe Premiere 6.0 (P4 system) will be used to edit the footage. The question is will the FRAME mode of the footage be maintained when he later exports the timeline back to his Sony?
Here is the reason why he wanted my tape. When he saw the footage shot in "FRAME" mode versus the footage he shot on his Sony on his big home projection system, he was blown away!! I was also somewhat impressed as I've never seen any FRAME footage on a 57" Toshiba Widescreen before.
Watching his footage (both cameras were on tripods and we consider ourselves good operators) the look was typical of any "News" look where it's just too plastic. His shots were well composed, etc. Images were sharp and color was clean. But still, when you look at the footage, you knew it was shot using a "video" camera. Viewing the "FRAME" footage was a different experience. It's not video and it's not film. It's somewhere in between.
Hey if it works for you ...