View Full Version : What I'm looking for.

Bob Zimmerman
October 24th, 2002, 10:21 AM
I would like a light for my XL1s. I would like the battery self contained. Not a battery pack. I would like one that you can attach a soft box to the light. I've been searching around and haven't seen anything yet. Or at least that type of light and if any of you have made a homemade softbox maybe you will tell me how you made it.

Jacques Mersereau
October 24th, 2002, 07:27 PM
I don't think you're going to find it.
My reason? Any kind of light powerful enough
to do a good job (20W-100W) is going to drain
a small battery (<1lb.) very quickly.

A large battery (2-6 lbs. brick) attached/incorporated
into on-camera light just doesn't seem like something
anyone would want to deal with sitting on top of their hot shoe.

I could be wrong, but that's my guess.
And I may have guessed at your needs
incorrectly ;)

Look at for a small soft box
on camera light that won't set you back a huge
fortune. The list price for the kit is $370.

Cheap alternatives are to go to Murray's and buy
a couple of 55W high intensity fog lights. I
got a couple that look like small sliver globes for $40. I then took the cheap blue lens out and replaced them with cuts of gel. Can't remember the exact gel number right now, but it was Lee and had both day light color correction and diffusion built in together.

Jacques Mersereau
November 4th, 2002, 03:59 PM
Well, to help close out this thread, I just wanted to post what Mr. Zim
found in the way of a light/battery combo.
I got a catalog from Frezzi. They have self contained holders. No vest or belt needed. The battery sits on top of the camera with the light on top of that. They even make one for the XL1 and the battery is attach to the MA-100 shoulder pad. That is model #MFKIC-XL1 or MFK-XL1. The other self contained numbers are MFIC-NP1HC and MFA24-NP1HC to nane a few. I believe that is the way I will go so I don't have to carry around a battery on my belt.

Thanks Zim!

John Locke
November 4th, 2002, 05:16 PM

I have the Frezzi mini-fill...and the one thing I don't like about it is carrying around that brick battery on the camera. It gets really heavy after awhile and also it takes up space where other accessories could go. Also, the battery tends to run dry pretty quickly.

I'm considering getting a belt...which will also be a pain since I'll have to unhook myself every time I set the camera down...but I think it's a better option. If anything, for longer usage.

Jacques Mersereau
November 4th, 2002, 05:56 PM
I can't help you there John. This is what I use.

A handheld overhead camera support system.
The MARzPAK holds the camera and the
heavy batteries go on my back where their weight
is distributed over my hips and shoulders.

PS I am the co inventor, so . . . ;)