View Full Version : Krasnagorsk-3 Lens on 7D?

Matt Newcomb
September 29th, 2009, 06:31 PM
So, I'm guessing this won't work, but they have M42 mount adapters for EOS cameras, but the big question is, will the lens hit the mirror in the camera. Has anyone tried using the lens from the K3 on an EOS camera before?

According to this, The Krasnogorsk-3 (K-3) 16MM Film Camera - Filmmaking (

The lens is a 17-69mm f1.9 zoom precision Zenit Lens

I found a site where people listed lenses that worked and didn't, but this lens doesn't appear to be on it.
M42 lenses on Canon EOS 5D - compatibility list (

Kin Lau
September 29th, 2009, 08:32 PM
My question would be if the K3 lens has sufficient coverage for a aps-c sensor. I believe 16mm is slightly smaller than the 4/3's sensor, so even if the K3 will cover aps-c, it's going to be very soft in the corners.

Chris Swanberg
September 29th, 2009, 11:55 PM
It covers super 16. The rear element though is 1.175 inches back from the base of the screw mount when inserted. (in other words the flat base that sits flush when screwed in). Hope that assists.


Bill Pryor
September 30th, 2009, 08:33 AM
Some people with the Lumix micro 4/3 chip cameras are using 16mm lenses. But they don't have the coverage for the APS-C size chip because it's closer to 35mm motion picture size (Academy 4-perf).

Dan Brockett
September 30th, 2009, 09:04 AM
I own the K3 and trust me, that lens is a POS anyway, you would be wasting your time unless soft and lots of CA are your goals.


Kin Lau
October 20th, 2009, 11:48 AM
Okay... I picked one up just for fun, and _really_ cheap and I like to collect old cameras anyhow. The lens won't even come close to fitting the 7D, even with the mirror up, the entire mount area is just too large.

Dan Brockett
October 20th, 2009, 04:02 PM
That would be like putting a Yugo engine into a Ferrari. Could be done but why?


Kin Lau
October 20th, 2009, 04:39 PM
I have all sorts of vintage lenses that I shoot on my DSLR's. It's for fun. Old glass often have a character of their own.

Either way, it was stinking cheap, and I get to play with an old movie camera too :). I still shoot with my 4x5 Speed Graphics and old Soviet era cameras of the same vintage as the K3 like the Kiev's, Zorki's and Fed's.

Old Russian glass tend to be subject to quality control issues, you could get a brilliant one or one with too much vodka. Some of my old Russian glass is as good as anything today.