View Full Version : How many F stops are the various types of 35 mm adapters losing?

Radek Svoboda
May 29th, 2005, 04:33 AM
What is best approach make adapter most efficient? Dan is using some special screen. Do adapters work equally well with short and long, and slow and fast lenses?


Jonathan Houser
May 29th, 2005, 11:06 AM
What is best approach make adapter most efficient? Dan is using some special screen. Do adapters work equally well with short and long, and slow and fast lenses?


The Guerilla35 loses 1.5-2 stops of light. Depending on what the barometric pressure and the location of the moon is. Also if you have garlic breath, that matters as well. When you say slow lenses are you talking about 3.5 slow, or 5.6 slow. No matter what adapter you end up getting, I would recommend buying some fast lenses. Its worth the extra light gain. The focal length has no bearing on the Guerilla35 adapter. Well, as long as the lens can cover your 18x24mm imaging cirlcle.


Radek Svoboda
May 29th, 2005, 04:47 PM
Do you have to zoom all way in? On FX/Z1 you lose additional 1-1.75 F-stops that way. F2.8 35 mm lens means 3 F-stips loss. So total light loss 6 stops comparing to no adapter shots, is that right? You need 64x more light with the adapter, e.g. 1000 Watts against 64,000 Watts light.


Valeriu Campan
May 29th, 2005, 09:31 PM
I don't know that you lose 6 stops, but the GG adapter will considerably slow your production schedule (I used only mini35 and Pro35 and remember putting up with a loss of ~two stops).

If you want a 35mm film out, depending on your budget and length of production, arguably you could be better off shooting S35 2-3perf, 500ASA stock, 4:4:4 color, 12 stops latitude, moving along much faster with a smaller crew...!?!? You can find pretty wild deals to rent 3 perf converted Arri35BL2 kits


Here come the flames....

Dan Diaconu
May 29th, 2005, 10:54 PM
Flames for what? Der aint no flames!? Waht you said is absolutely right.