View Full Version : Audio

Dennis Kane
May 26th, 2005, 01:16 PM
Chris, Given your experience with the FX1, how would you expect the audio on the new HC1 to compare.
Thanks D Kane

Chris Hurd
May 26th, 2005, 04:02 PM
(mustering best possible young Bobby DeNiro impersonation) "You talkin' to me?"
(looking in mirror, looking around room, pointing at self) "You talkin' to me?"

I don't have that much experience with the FX1, but I'm not expecting the audio recording spec on the HC1 to be any different from what Sony is already using on its other HDV camcorders.

As for the on-board mic... well... the camcorder is the single worst place to put a microphone. Let's just be happy that there's a pro version with built-in XLR inputs for attaching external mics.

Radek Svoboda
May 27th, 2005, 12:57 AM
It seems the camera is using so much of same technology as FX/Z1, it is probably using same audio circuitry but you never know.
