View Full Version : What do they wrap that in?

Chris Marty
May 26th, 2005, 08:30 AM
So, as a relative newbie, I've been combing this forum (and the rest of the net, it seems) for the best solution to contact clothing noise from body-mounted lavalier mics. I've read all about tape triangles, cable loops, etc., but nothing really seems to be curing my woes.

Someone mentioned yesterday (while we were wrangling with electrical tape, our latest attempt) that every time they've been on a Hollywood set, the cables for the lavs are wrapped in some sort of foam (or something). He said it took no time at all for the audio techs to strap the talent and send them off.

Any idea what they're wrapping their cables in? Or is my source mistaken?

Can't seem to find reference to any product like this anywhere.

Thanks in advance,

Richard Alvarez
May 26th, 2005, 09:53 AM
Never seen cables wrapped... doesn't mean it doesn't happen though. Getting the lav in as isolated a spot as possible, so that it doesn't rub or scrape is the key. Then add a patch of moleskin to the area where it might. (Dr. Shoals foot remedies work great.) Cut to size and shape. IF the mic hits the mole skin, it tends to be quieter than most fabrics.

Of course, doubling up with a boom gives you the option of taking either source.