View Full Version : xl2 filming an ants head

Cassidy Bisher
May 25th, 2005, 10:46 PM
For you professional wildlifers out there... what lens would you suggest getting for shooting (with clarity) say... and ants head, or the pours on human skin?

any links?

Spank U!


Chris Hurd
May 25th, 2005, 11:19 PM
The stock 20x lens is fine for this purpose if you remove the lens hood. Zoom out to full wide. Leave it there (don't zoom in). Add plenty of light. You now have full macro capability. Do a search on "macro" in this board as we've covered these steps before several times. The hardest part for you will be maneuvering a big camera like the XL2 around such tiny objects. Hope this helps,

Cassidy Bisher
May 26th, 2005, 12:03 AM
The stock 20x lens is fine for this purpose if you remove the lens hood. Zoom out to full wide. Leave it there (don't zoom in). Add plenty of light. You now have full macro capability. Do a search on "macro" in this board as we've covered these steps before several times. The hardest part for you will be maneuvering a big camera like the XL2 around such tiny objects. Hope this helps,

Ok Chris, thanks a lot, i will try this and search for macro's..


Shekar Dattatri
May 26th, 2005, 08:44 PM
What I understood from the original post is that Cass wants to be able to go really tight on his subjects - an ant's head and pores on human skin. The way to achieve this would be to use a 35mm still camera macro lens such as the Canon or Nikon 100mm macro lens on the XL-2 with the appropriate adapter (both available from ZGC or other dealers). This will provide stupendous magnification. If even more is required, an extension tube in between the adapter and the lens will provide it. Needless to say, shooting such ultra macro shots requires plenty of light (for depth of field, which gets shallower with greater magnification), a rock solid tripod and a subject that doesn't move too much (at least for the duration of the shot).

Greg Boston
May 26th, 2005, 11:07 PM
If it needs to be really close up then you could also add a diopter ring on the front of the lens. I have +7 and +10 diopter rings for my digital still camera. However, as Chris stated, the 20x has macro capability if you follow the steps he outlined.


Bob Safay
May 27th, 2005, 06:28 AM
Cassidy, as a former entomologist I still do a lot of macro. I use a set of diopters and the 1.6 converter. Lots of light. Ants are really fast and hard to pin down. A good trick is to stick them in a cooler. NOT long enought to kill them, just to slow them down. Have your shot set up. After a couple of minutes the insect is usually cold enought that you can put it "on-stage" and video. I also have the Camcorder hooked up to a monitor and focus and frame on the monitor. Also, I have several small glass (2 - 4 gal fish tanks) that I set up to simulate the environment. I can take the top off, tilt forward and video through the top. A little vasoline around the top 1/2 inch of glass keeps the ants from making an escape while you are videoing. And please release them after you are finished. This past winter I did macro of praying mantis laying her egg pods and then the little darlings emerging. Facinating. What kind of ants are you videoing? Bob

Jon Bickford
May 30th, 2005, 05:14 PM
with my little optura 20d with tiffen +7 and +10 i can focus on the dust on the lens i've used that for some extreme macro stuff but you need a LOT of light to make that little one chip look decent

Cassidy Bisher
June 2nd, 2005, 08:28 PM
The way to achieve this would be to use a 35mm still camera macro lens such as the Canon or Nikon 100mm macro lens on the XL-2 with the appropriate adapter (both available from ZGC or other dealers).

thanks shekar, i ran into this site:

Could you send me a link to ZGC or other dealers that have lense adapters for the xl2?


Cassidy Bisher
June 2nd, 2005, 08:36 PM
with my little optura 20d with tiffen +7 and +10 i can focus on the dust on the lens i've used that for some extreme macro stuff but you need a LOT of light to make that little one chip look decent

can you send me a link to the optura 20d, and the lense adapter you use?

thanks Jon

Cassidy Bisher
June 2nd, 2005, 08:40 PM
This past winter I did macro of praying mantis laying her egg pods and then the little darlings emerging. Facinating.

bob, i would love to see some of that footage or a screen shot of the praying mantis.

thanks for the advice. i am just trying to learn how to get extreme close ups.. thanks to everyone hear i have learned alot.


Greg Boston
June 2nd, 2005, 08:44 PM

ZGC is one of our site's sponsors. Just click on the sponsors link on the main page or Click Here ( Be sure and tell them you found them through DV-INFO if and when you order.

Good luck with your ant filming!
