View Full Version : Harold and Maude, 25+ years for me

Daniel Patton
May 23rd, 2005, 11:10 PM
I watched Harold and Maude again for the first time in over 25 years. I was maybe 12 when it came out, what a long strange trip it’s been.

Oddly enough, I was worried. Worried that I would watch it and think to myself "this is not nearly as good as I remember it", as I have done so many times when watching an old movie over again. What a relief, it was everything I remember and maybe more. Over done in just a few areas but it fit the age and style of production then, while at the same time doing something different, I liked that about it.

Anyone watched it again recently? If so, how was it for you? Any favorite parts?

I know that a fair amount of members here may be young enough to have missed this one, so if you like dark/comedy/uplifting/different, it's worth hunting down a copy and watching.

Ha... cool, I found the screenplay/script right after posting this thread.

Here it is -

Radek Svoboda
July 3rd, 2005, 05:36 AM
Great movie, I did not see when it came out, I was born around that time, but did see recently. I don't think it was overdone. Music by Cat Stevens really added to movie. I've never seen Bud Court in other movie.


Michael Plunkett
August 19th, 2005, 09:42 AM
Great movie, I did not see when it came out, I was born around that time, but did see recently. I don't think it was overdone. Music by Cat Stevens really added to movie. I've never seen Bud Court in other movie.


Bud Cort was in the movie M.A.S.H.
He told "Painless" (the dentist) during his suicide scene (thus the movie theme song written by Altman’s son) while lying in coffin, Cort said “ You’re throwing away your whole education.” Or close to them words.

Muade was great on the TV show TAXI MASH- TAXI hmmmmmm.

Charles Papert
August 19th, 2005, 06:46 PM
It was nifty to see Bud Cort make an appearance in "The Life Aquatic" this year. Seemed appropriate, as I would say that Wes Anderson has been clearly influenced by "Harold and Maude".

The film that I remember Bud starring in was the fairly obscure Altman film "Brewster McCloud". Haven't seen it in at least 20 years though, don't know if it holds up.

Michael Plunkett
August 19th, 2005, 06:57 PM
It was nifty to see Bud Cort make an appearance in "The Life Aquatic" this year. Seemed appropriate, as I would say that Wes Anderson has been clearly influenced by "Harold and Maude".

The film that I remember Bud starring in was the fairly obscure Altman film "Brewster McCloud". Haven't seen it in at least 20 years though, don't know if it holds up.

I have yet to rent "The Life Aquatic", I will now.

Work for Altman once and chances are you will work for him many more times.

Altman movies seem to hold up well. My favorite director, Kubrick, his movies do not hold up as well as they should.

btw: Check out Terrence Malick’s Days of Heaven. He followed that movie up with "The Thin Red Line," twenty years later. Geez. Talk about pressure.
DoH is still beautiful to watch.

Charles Papert
August 19th, 2005, 07:10 PM
DoH is still beautiful to watch.

Sure is. That extended magic hour sequence is quite, well, magical.