Robert Young
September 28th, 2009, 04:52 PM
I saw a notice by Adobe that they will be releasing a 4.2 update for PPro in October. It's buried in an article about Premiere/Matrox Axio:
I'm wondering if it will help solve the integration problem with Cineform products.
Matt Vanecek
September 28th, 2009, 06:24 PM
Good Lord I really hope so!! Every software package has it's bugs and defects, and Cineform has their own, but by and large it's about the best software out there! If MS OR Adobe gave half the support CF does, we'd all be pretty ecstatic! With the improvements in PHD 4, it'll only take a more stable (64-bit) CS4 to return things to some normalcy and get us really rockin'! (right as my video season is winding down...) Tired of fighting with the software....
thanks for the link! it gives a glimmer of hope...
Mikael Bergstrom
September 29th, 2009, 05:32 AM
Its a fact:-)
"Shucks, I don't get to break the news on anything anymore...
Premiere Pro 4.2 does in fact add AVC-I and offers some additional fixes too. Should be out soon.
Adobe Forums: 4.2 update coming... (
Matt Vanecek
September 29th, 2009, 07:41 AM
It'll be really nice if Adobe fixes the Multi-camera latency issue that Adobe introduced in 4.1. Heckuva thing--Cineform works best with 4.1 (in the CS4 world), but Multi-Camera works best in 4.0.1 and is all screwed up in 4.1. argh!
David Dwyer
October 2nd, 2009, 09:30 AM
Looking forward to seeing some speed updates!
Paulo Teixeira
October 5th, 2009, 10:33 PM
I was thinking that because CS4 been out for about a year, that we should be getting CS5 instead but then again it took around a year and a half until CS3 got replaced by CS4.
I’m not sure when I’ll get my next GI Bill payments since I changed over to the new one for this semester but once it comes in, it looks like I’ll be enjoying Premiere Pro CS4.2.