View Full Version : Various questions Sony HVR-A1

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Alex Thames
September 13th, 2006, 11:59 PM
Link doesn't work.

Ken Alexander
September 14th, 2006, 12:32 PM
In the REC RUN (record run) time code mode the A1 continues with the same time code sequence each time you hit record, but starts over when you turn the camera off. On one tape the TC can start over at 0 a dozen times or more.

This makes it impossible to do batch captures in FCP. If you log in a particular start and stop TC for capture, that range can exist mutliple times on the tape and FCP will just grab the first one it finds.

The free run option appears to run the TC whether or not you are recording, but that is not what we want either. Used a VX2000 previously which kept the same TC sequence for the entire tape.

Am I missing something? Any got this to work?

Michael Y Wong
October 4th, 2006, 07:44 AM

From what I read, almost all the HC1/A1 owners buy the Sony Wide angle VCL-HG0737Y Lens and purchase the LH77 Cavision lens hood for it.

Does anyone ever use a similar lens hood for a telephoto lens? is there any point in doing so?

I'm considering getting a LH77 but obviously it wont work with my Tele VCL-HG2037Y Lens since the Tele lens is a few mm larger in diamter then the wide angle.

I'm wondering if the Cavision LH80 would fit with this Telephoto lens, where I'll have to buy an step down adapter for the LH80when using it with my wide angle VCL-HG0737Y lens.

Any comments about this setup? Or is anyone already using this?


Andrea Miller
October 4th, 2006, 02:02 PM
Does anybody know where I could see/try the A1U in the DC area?

James Harring
October 8th, 2006, 07:04 AM

Chris Li
October 9th, 2006, 10:11 AM
I live in the DC area and bought an A1u 2 mos. ago . contact me off list with any questions. Camera was not available locally; I had to order from B&H in NYC sight unseen.
Great little camera.


John Dombrowski
October 29th, 2006, 08:20 PM
I got some stuff stolen out of my truck and my XLR adapter happens to be one of them. Does anyone know where I can purchase another one? Possible send me a link to go to?

Douglas Spotted Eagle
October 29th, 2006, 09:12 PM
Outside of contacting a Sony authorized repair house, I'm not sure that there is anywhere else to send you. This is not a part that you can buy separately via the retail channels, AFAIK.

Stu Holmes
October 30th, 2006, 10:44 AM
Yep i'm pretty sure it's a "Sony purchase" only part.

Around USD280 if i recall correctly.

Tony Macasaet
November 7th, 2006, 11:26 AM
Newbie question... Can someone get me started on the work-flow for a documentary film, that on the high-end may be feature film worthy in the quality of the story at least...

Camera - HVR A1 NTSC 1080i60
Mac Pro with FCP 5.1 Suite

From capture - what is the exact work flow... ie were do I ideally convert/pulldown 1080i60 to 24p and how? I'll likely be using Nattress.

Thanks in advance.

Martin Labelle
November 10th, 2006, 07:23 PM
I just did a few films with the a1u and the supplied microphone,try the 3 films some crowd were added with imovie.All the videos were done with imovie hd.
Its vry confortable to work with the touch screen for audio control when you are next to the stage.more movies will come next week.
You can wath it on and write(search for) actuvid
Sorry I don't know how to make a link.

Chris McIntyre
November 22nd, 2006, 02:38 AM
I found this kit at B&H that looked like a pretty good deal for the Sony HVR-A1U and some accessories. One of the accessories is a VCL-HG0737Y High-grade Wide Angle Conversion Lens. I also want to be able to use this with a ProPrompter ( which clamps on the lens. The thing is, the lens does not seem to have threads for a step up ring to accomodate the proPrompter.

My question is this: is there a clamp on step-up ring that would work with this, or would I be better off looking for a different lens?
>> Camera Kit Here (

>> Here is the lens mentioned above (

Phil Bloom
November 22nd, 2006, 02:00 PM

I am playing my xdcam into my a1 (using it as a deck for transfer on the go onto dvcam tape) but for some reason it always switches into 32khz mode when I am assured that the xdcam always records in 48khz. is there some setting i am missing?


Loren Sonnenberg
November 27th, 2006, 03:40 PM
I just picked up a set of Raynox macro lenses for my HVR-A1U and have been playing around with them. The models are DCR-150, DCR-250, MSN-202, and MSN-505.

I know each one has a minimum focus distance (133mm, 90mm, 30mm, and 17mm respectively) where getting any closer to the object being filmed will prevent you from focusing properly. Is there any reason to not simply use the one with the smallest minimum focus distance (MSN-505) all the time?

Does anyone have any suggestions for doing macro work using the A1U?

Nic Maguire
November 29th, 2006, 07:30 PM
Hi there i am seriously considering purchasing the Sony HVR-A1P for the sort of work i do needs a smaller field mobile camera but in HDV.

I currently use my good old reliable Canon XL1 S but with the sort of work i do and kms i have to walk with the camera (dirt bike racing) around the bush or venue a much smaller or lighter camera in HDV is needed as i have found the XL1 by the end of the day too heavy filming off the shoulder.

Can anyone give me their impressions of the HVR A 1 or whatever name it is given in overseas and especially how it films using both tripod and out in the field off the tripod.

Also any other recommendations in the HDV range of cameras with the same mobility would also be appreciated. Also does the HVR A 1 allow for protective UV lens attachment as well as this is another necessary evil in my line of videoing with MX, Enduro etc.

Andrew Farrell
November 29th, 2006, 10:45 PM
Nic, I too am looking at one of these cameras. I'm having one last look at everything next week at DMF before I buy the week after. From looking around these threads I have seend the camera with a UV filter on it so my guess would be yes.

Nic Maguire
November 30th, 2006, 02:27 PM
I have decided to go with a Panasonic AGDVX100AE instead i think i have made a good choice here for what i need it for but thanks for the reply mate no worries.

Nic, I too am looking at one of these cameras. I'm having one last look at everything next week at DMF before I buy the week after. From looking around these threads I have seend the camera with a UV filter on it so my guess would be yes.

Mark Westman
December 2nd, 2006, 06:34 PM
Hi Forum, thought I'd throw this out to you guys too:

I've got a Sony HVR-A1U, I've been messing with it, along with a "CitiDisk" HDR that works great. Been able to use FCP 5.1.2 DV-NTSC settings fine for capturing or tranferring .mov files in the HDV-DV mode.

NOW, I just started playing with the FCP native HDV editing project, and shot a bunch of animals in HDV. I used easy set up for HDV, selected the Sony HDV firewire for input, and I get an error message that the camera is not recognized.

So, I trashed prefs, checked capture settings ( HDV,etc.) reset the camera, tried new FW cables, checked the front FW port of my G5, No such luck.

I INSURED the iLink conversion was OFF and that the VCR was on HDV or AUTO, nothing seems to work. Any advise here?


Mark Westman

Jeff DeMaagd
December 3rd, 2006, 07:40 PM
Do you have a PCI Firewire card in the G5? Seriously, I had added a FW card and it prevented me form using HDV, but not DV. I don't know why, so I just removed the card and it worked.

Be sure to have the camera off when connecting to or disconnecting it from the computer.

Also, you should have the camera ON and in VTR (or playback) mode before you start Final Cut, do the quick setup and I think it should work. Unfortunately, if Final Cut is running, you need to close it before you turn on the camera.

Mark Westman
December 4th, 2006, 06:13 PM
I do not have a PCI firewire card, and I found out on the apple forum that it was a QT bug...which I fixed....and then did figure out that the system needs to be restarted before capturing.



Martin Labelle
December 8th, 2006, 02:35 PM
Obi wan kenobi you are my last hope,I read the other thread by Mark about connecting the a1u and the good procedure.I did it all and it still not working.
My firewire is connected and it goes in hdv in.I am working with macbook pro.thanks in advance

Marco Wagner
December 14th, 2006, 09:31 AM
Just bought the A1U, yay! Are batteries on these two cameras interchangeable? I have several batteries for the VX and don't want to start over if I don't have to. Anyone know?

Boyd Ostroff
December 14th, 2006, 10:44 AM
Sorry, the A1 uses the same batteries as the PDX-10 and TRV-950, which are smaller than the VX/PD series batteries. The batteries from your VX would fit an FX1, FX7, Z1 or V1 but not an A1...

Marco Wagner
December 14th, 2006, 10:56 AM
Dang! Ok, thanks a bunch!

Peter Wright
December 16th, 2006, 10:31 PM
I believe there are several Z1 owners who have acquired an A1 as second camera.

How are you going at making the footage look the same - any tips for camera set up on either?

So far, my footage has looked "fairly" similar, but with a slightly different look, presumably caused by the CCD/CMOS difference.

I wouls love to hear any ideas on making the footage as intercuttable as possible.

Jack Major
January 30th, 2007, 01:20 AM
i was wondering if this was capable in premiere pro 2.0 with the a1 and if it does does it only do 60i or can you export as 30p?

Douglas Spotted Eagle
January 30th, 2007, 09:14 AM
Yes, you can export to the A1u from Premiere Pro, but the A1U doesn't accept 30p, so can't export 30p from PP to the A1. You can also export 24p from Premiere, but the camera won't accept 24p without pulldown. In other words, export settings must match the capabilities of the cam receiving the stream.

Marco Wagner
January 30th, 2007, 12:34 PM
Can someone recommend a decent priced 35mm adapter for the A1U? I have about $200 to spend. If not in that price range, how about one for the VX2100?

Idar Lettrem
February 14th, 2007, 01:31 AM
this one is quite frustrating. I previously had a sony fx1 and was pleased in any ways apart from portability. Therefore changed to sony a1e and to my big, big surprise there seems to severe problems in downconverting from hdv to dv. That is: i shoot in rec format 1080i (Shutterspeed set to 1/50 , using tripod) , use i-link (1394) and downconverting when exporting to premiere pro 1.5.
Even during the capture sequence (project settings PAL DV) I see interlacing lines and coarse pixelating in the monitor window. That is before further processing in PP. I have never seen any reports on this forum making this an issue previously and wonders why am I to have such a problem. Any suggestions ?

Hugh Mobley
March 4th, 2007, 11:12 PM
Thought I would put up three clips I took with my A1, they need to load, rendered in Vegas 7, flowers, hummingbird, and birdbath

Russell Pearce
March 6th, 2007, 11:37 AM
Hello to HVR users!

I have a client who wants to add HVR footage to DVX100 footage, what is the best way to shoot the HVR footage? HD, SD, downconvert the HD footage?
any replys or tips greatly appreciated ,cheers

Russell Pearce
March 8th, 2007, 09:47 AM
ok could somone confirm that if I shoot HD with the A1 and down convert it will look better than shooting standard def on it, bear in mind it needs to go on a 4:3 timeline

cheers Russ

Vidar Vedaa
March 19th, 2007, 01:01 PM
I send some Wildlife cilp from Norway .Wildlife made on sony a1
Some clip is freehand clip.Reddeer and Fox.

Vidar Vedaa
March 31st, 2007, 01:49 AM
I have some problem whit my Website sorry,new link is:

Konrad Haskins
April 24th, 2007, 10:47 AM
Back on September 17th I bought a HVR-A1U from B&H. My rebate application got snarled up in the winter storms. I sent Sony a true sob story letter and got my $500 rebate last week :)

Jason Donaldson
May 9th, 2007, 09:01 PM
I recently bought myself an A1U, and playback of tapes that were recorded on my Panasonic PV-GS36 SD camcorder is horrible. I get tons of audio dropout, and the picture is digitized in certain spots. I read on the net, and in the manual, that if a DV tape reorded in the LP format was played back on the A1U, that these effects would be seen. However, I have never recorded anything in LP. The tapes play back fine on the Panasonic, and on my brothers Panasonic AGDVC20P. Any Ideas?

Darren Cole
May 15th, 2007, 11:58 AM
it just might be a bad tape like some type of bad fluke type deal. Sometimes funny things happen. I know some people say if you switch tapes some cames react funning to that. I have been using the same sony tapes since I got my cam in fall.

You could maybe try logging the footy with a different cam and then print back to a different tape so that it will work on your A1U

Jason Donaldson
May 29th, 2007, 10:12 PM
Hi all,

Being new to all this, I have a question I hope can get answered. I have had my A1U for a little less than a month now. I am pretty farmiliar with everything on it. My question is regarding the mic input on the side of the body right above the headphone jack. I bought a used Sony WCS-999 wireless mic set on Ebay (I can hear most of you cringing, but after departing with $3417.00 CAD to aquire the A1U brand new, that's all I can afford at the moment). When I connect the WCS-999 to this mic jack, it turns off the XLR adaptor and the built in mics on the body and only records sound through it. What I didn't know, is that the WCS-999 is mono, and playback of anything recorded by it is left chanel only. Is there any way around this with some kind of splitter/adapter etc? If there isn't, could I use Vegas to copy the soundtrack, and paste a new identical track in order to have "2 chanel sound"? Any help would be appreciated.


Bob Grant
May 30th, 2007, 06:25 AM
With Vegas just select whichever track the mic is recorded on and Vegas will feed that mono track to both channels in the mix. Say the mic is only on the left (upper) channel, right click the track and under Channels select Left Only, job done. This is actually better than feeding the one mic into both channels as things can go wrong doing that.

Jason Donaldson
June 1st, 2007, 10:14 PM
I built a mini 1/8" male to female XLR adapter, split it, and now have both the wireless and XLR going at the same time...wireless picks up the speeches etc, while the XLR picks up guests reactions etc.

Timothy Shiels
July 2nd, 2007, 12:55 PM
I'd like to set the first two time code digits to correspond to the tape numbers for a project.

After setting TC to 01:00:00:00 in the TC PRESET in the standard set menu, the camera still records beginning TC on a new tape as 00:00:00:00. When I go back into the TC Preset menu, it's still set at 01:00:00:00.

Any thoughts how I can get the TC Preset to record properly to tape?


Andrew Lee II
July 7th, 2007, 04:10 AM
I have looked at a comparison of footage which is shot at different Cineframe rates, but I can't really see much difference. I am new to this, could someone point out what I should be looking for. I am trying to decide whether the settings on an HVR A1E will be suitable for good looking footage with a cinematic feel or whether it will just be rubbish.

Thanks for your help.

The link to the formats movie is here:

Manuel Guzman
July 9th, 2007, 04:44 PM
Sadly, even though I purchased my Sony HVR-A1U last Christmas, only in the past week have I had the chance to really play around with it. My mom wanted to babysit our newborn last week so it gave my wife and I a chance to visit Sacramento for a day. This is the video I shot with my Sony HVR-A1U.

I picked up a few accessories when I first purchased the camcorder (Manfroto video head, spare batteries, camera light). I am considering buying a new boom mic although I am not sure I really need it. I originally purchased the camcorder to shoot video of my newborn son but could see myself using it for family get togethers in the future. I really wish the camcorder had HDMI out as opposed to component.

Steven Bills
July 10th, 2007, 01:32 PM
Pretty cool. The quality was good. I wanted to see bigger pans though...

Pretty cool.


Marco Wagner
July 12th, 2007, 05:19 PM
I know some of you are wondering if down convert in the A1U is worth anything. Below are two grabs. One is a grab from the Premiere Pro 2.0 after capturing from the A1U using the downconvert option. The other is a grab from a simple workflow from Premiere Pro 2.0 to VirtulDub 1.6.19 and back into Premiere Pro as SD 16:9.

Grab Labeled VDUB workflow:
Captured in PPRO 2.0 as 1080i HD
Exported as uncompressed Microsoft AVI 1440X1080i
Imported to VDUB
Exported from VDUB resized to DV 16:9 uncompressed 720X480
Imported to PPRO 2.0 as DV 16:9 (interpret footage)
Export Frame

Grab Labeled DWNCONV workflow:
Opened PRO 2.0 project as DV 16:9
Captured with A1U set to downconvert (HDV-->DV)
Put on timeline and export frame

I did this with only PPRO 2.0 and VDUB, no HD plugins or Cineform.

RESULTS - You tell me. Seems like Vdub does a decent job, but the in camera downconvert looks softer...

Peter Wright
August 4th, 2007, 11:58 PM
Auto Lock is off
Under Camera Set Menu, Auto Shutter is OFF
When I toggle to SUTTER SPEED, it shows 150 and the text
and the OK button are greyed out and not functional.

What have I forgotten?

- edit ... Panic over - I'd accidentally switched Night Shot on!

Hubert Hofer
October 25th, 2007, 02:26 AM
has that happened to anyone ? First, my 18 mths old Sony A1 had a stuttering kind of LCD & after an hour it went totally off. view finder still ok though. 4 days later the LCD touch panel on the same age HC1 wouldn't respond & in an hour it too went off. view finder ok. will be sending them away to get fixed soon & hopefully they'll be ok again.

Clay Coulter
November 17th, 2007, 06:06 PM
I just bought the Sony VCL-HG1737C 1.7x High Grade Telephoto Conversion Lens for my HVR-A1U. After shooting with it, I was disappointed to see pronounced vignetting around my image when I zoomed back to a wider angle. When I am zoomed in for close-up, I can't see the edge of the conversion lens and the close-up images are quite good.

Can anyone with experience in using telephoto conversion lenses direct me to a lens which will not vignette so badly?

BTW, I did configure the A1U for the Tele conversion lens setting.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Boyd Ostroff
November 17th, 2007, 06:54 PM
While I don't have an A1, I have used teleconvertors on my Sony PDX-10 and Z1 and they also vignette. I think this pretty much comes with the territory. You're magnifying what the built-in lens sees, so it's inevitable that you'll vignette at some point as you zoom out. I suppose if you had a huge lens of some kind you might get away from this, but probably not very practical. If you could somehow adapt a conversion lens with 72mm threads to your A1 it might get you close to full zoom range, but it would be really big and awkward at best.

On my Z1 with a 1.6x Century teleconvertor I can zoom just about 50% of the way out before vignetting. I think you'll find similar limits on most conversion lenses. Unless I'm mistaken, the setting for the teleconvertor in the menu only affects the way the image stabilization works.

Carl Adams
November 23rd, 2007, 04:23 PM
Can anyone post a link to a .pdf of the A1's User's Manual when it becomes availible?

Apologies if this has been listed further down the thread I haven't the time to read through at the moment.

Just read this and thought I can help as I have a PDF Manual.

I hoping I can work out how to add attachments to a post, as this is only my third post on this forum
If I cannot attach, I shall upload it to a page on my server and give you the link to download.

Hope this helps
Carl (:})

OK I can not add attachments for some reason so I shall upload to my server and give you the link in the next 30 mins

OK here it is:

Maybe someone could shed some light why I cannot add attachments?