View Full Version : Wal-mart and Netflix?!

Christopher C. Murphy
May 19th, 2005, 11:07 AM
Geez, I love Netflix and loathe Wal-Mart!

Well, we'll at least have something interesting to look forward to...Blockbuster (whom I've tried) is really ticking me off with their "no late fees" thing. They charge you for the entire movie after 7 days....and that is better than a late fee somehow?

Imran Zaidi
May 19th, 2005, 12:11 PM
I don't like Wal-Mart either, but this is GREAT for Netflix, and bad for Blockbuster, both of which makes me extremely happy.

Go Netflix!

Joe Carney
May 19th, 2005, 08:29 PM
Lets hope Wal-Mart doesn't buy them. That would be the worst. Net Flix gives you the option of unrated Directors cuts if available. Wal Mart would end that.
They are worse then Blockbuster believe or not.

Christopher C. Murphy
May 19th, 2005, 09:02 PM
I can only imagine. Wal-Mart sells so much junk that breaks soon after you buy it. I remember when I was young things lasted at least a few years, but now it's like 1 year on stuff. It's crazy.

To get back to DVD's...I think the next 2 years will be interesting because all these companies need to continue earning big profits. If HD DVD's don't do as well as SD's...well, that would actually be awesome. What will they come up with to get everyone to buy movies???? They DVD business is bigger than they ever, imagine what they'd have to do if they don't keep selling!!

Brent Marks
May 28th, 2005, 12:37 AM
Wal Mart has a very religious backbone and they not sell movies that "they" don't like.

Pete Wilie
May 28th, 2005, 12:39 PM
I don't know why you guys are so down on Wal-mart. It's definitely not a high-end store, but they sell a lot of good products at a very low price.

If the product you buy there falls apart after a short while it's the fault of the manufacturer, not Wal-mart. Did you try taking it back to Wal-mart? Shopping at Wal-mart is no different than anywhere else -- know your product before you buy.

I find Wal-mart to be a great aid to the guerrilla filmmaker -- lots of inexpensive products that can be used/adapted for shooting gear.

I bought a classy duffel bag, with lots of pockets and one end on wheels that serves as a perfect gaffers bag -- only $23. It has served me well -- no problems. The cheapest I could find one of comparable size anywhere else was over $50.

Wayne Orr
May 28th, 2005, 01:55 PM
I don't think anyone is questioning that Wal-mart sells goods at very low prices, Pete. But those "low prices" may be hurting our own best interests. May I suggest you take a look at the Frontline documentary, "Is Wal-mart Good for America?" You can find it on-line and watch it for free, which is the ultimate low price:

Christopher C. Murphy
May 28th, 2005, 02:22 PM
Wal-Mart has hurt many communites - mine included. When I grew up here all the surrounding towns has a "downtown". Most of the stores open at the time were hardware etc etc. Everyone who owned a store generally "filled a need". Fast forward 25 years later - you have 4-5 of my neighboring towns with no "downtown". They're ghost towns or shells of their former selves. The "community" that used to thrive and where people actually interacted has been replaced by a "Super" Wal-Mart that fills every need imaginable. Now underpaid employee's who were once put under the spell of "progress" 25 years ago drive by their former empty storefronts and wonder how they got duped into this Wal-fart Hell.

It's scary, but true....America is known world-wide as a very progressive country. We kick ass at everything and bulldoze things down for newer and better before we've even had a chance to think about it. Most other countries like ours aren't suffering this impact to the rural areas...they don't close down the "downtown" for Wal-Marts. They simply say no and continue on happy. We're just not happy in America unless we have bigger, faster, cheaper and more. (and destroy our surroundings while we're at's like a very slow national suicide to me) Unfortunately, Wal-Marts gives us exactly what we want and we keep going back for more. (slap, yes please may I have another)

It's totally true in my experience that Wal-Mart sells mostly junk that breaks at a certain point after useage. Why is it that I've been back to return something there in last month that broke! Ironic! In the "old days" things were made to last because they had to last. Now, it's plastic instead of metal...particle board instead of solid wood get the story!

Just my opinion, but we've been brainwashed in this country by the corporations who sell us this junk. Wal-Mart is the ultimate cash cow - anything you buy there will probably have to be re-bought in just a few short years. They win long term because of the $$ they get. We win short term because we save $$ upfront. But, ultimately we all lose $$$ because of the ecomomy (tons of lost jobs from Wal-Mart...American made products are not high on their list, plus lost jobs to their menial jobs) and cost to re-buy Wal-Mart junk.

I could go on about this forever...and I just did!

Boyd Ostroff
May 28th, 2005, 02:40 PM
Sorry guys, this thread is now closed. Has wandered way too far off-topic...